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Why can’t we be what we want to be...

Nine Below Zero is an English band formed in London in 1977 and originally composed of Dennis Greaves, Peter Clark, Kenny Bradley and Mark Feltham. A band that at its very beginnings called itself 'Stan’s Blues Band' and played mainly in local clubs.

A first album “Live at the Marquee” was released in 1980, an album that unfortunately went somewhat unnoticed…

On the other hand, the next one, “Don’t point your finger”, which was released a year later in 1981, was going to be much more talked about. In particular thanks to the Singles “Helen” and “Ain’t comin back”.

But recognition, the real one, came the following year in 1982 with the release of the album “Third degree”, an album that would remain the highest ranked of their entire discography and which would produce their reference Single, namely “11+11”.

An adventure that will continue with the release of many albums but none will succeed in making people talk about him in a significant way.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

70s  Decade :

  • Tore down 1979

80s  Decade :

  • Homework 1980

  • Can I get a witness 1980

  • Helen 1981

  • Ain’t comin back 1981

  • 11+11 1982

  • Wipe away your kiss 1982

  • Why can’t we be what we want to be 1982

  • Mystery man 1982

90s  Decade :

  • Doin’ fine 1991

  • Cold cruel heart 1991

  • The bird 1991

  • Soft touch 1992

  • Work shy 1992

  • Down in the dirt again 1992

  • Badtown blues 1994

  • I've never loved a man (The wa I love you) 1994

  • Down by river 1995

2000s  Decade :

  • Wild kicking horse 2000

  • Go girl 2000

  • Hand to mouth 2000

  • Line of least resistance 2000

  • I should have left it up to you 2002

  • Why don’t you try me tonight 2002

  • You don’t love me 2002

  • I'm ready 2005

  • Goin' down 2005

  • Mechanic man 2009

  • Hit the spot 2009

  • The story of Nathan John 2009

2010s  Decade :

  • Watch what you do to me 2016

  • Don't play that song (You lied) 2016

  • You're still my woman 2016

  • I wanna be a wanna be 2019

  • Ter wit ter woo 2019

  • One of sour, two of sweet 2019


Tracks :

1979...a rather overexcited start. But given the musical niche they chose, it's not surprising at this stage...

1980...after not sure that this overspeed mode is the best way to make yourself known at the highest level. They're going to have to work on all that...

1980...even if this style and this sound are still a bit trendy at the very beginning of the 80s, it won't be for much longer...

1981...the tempo will slow down a little and allow them to start to make a minimum of noise. That's already something...

1981...their daring bet to stand out from the crowd by making rock blues finally seems to be paying off. They'll have to make the most of it as much as possible...

1982...and it's THIS title that will allow them to finally move up to the big leagues. A title that will remain their reference title !

1982...a start to the 80s which allowed them to achieve several major successes and which thus gave them recognition which finally lived up to their expectations...

1982...not sure it will last like this for much longer but the main thing is that we know their name...

1982... it now remains to be seen how they will manage the rest of the events and especially if their very particular style will succeed in surviving the decade as it should...

1991...unfortunately things will turn out to be a little more complicated to manage than expected with this nice 9-year air hole..

1991... an air hole that will cost them dearly in the Charts with the pure and simple disappearance of the latter. This does not mean the end of the adventure...

1991...because this complete unscrewing does not seem to affect them more than that. They have fully recovered from these 9 years of absence and seem determined to make up for lost time now...

1992... wanting does not necessarily mean being able to. Because despite an obvious desire to do well, the result with the general public will not really live up to their expectations...

1992... after all, they still have all their basic fans and that's not nothing. They might as well please them as much as possible...

1992...while being content with themselves of course. That's what the members of the group say to themselves every morning when they get up... addition they will really accelerate the production of titles during this decade of the 90s, which can only delight their fans to the highest degree... is still certain that with a style and sound of this type their music is necessarily reserved for an audience of initiates...

1995...but there's something for everyone as they say. It's clear that their music isn't necessarily the trendiest of the moment but they're far from being unworthy in any case... they say to themselves that it might be worth continuing the adventure a little longer just to prolong the pleasure a little bit...

2000...and on principle who could blame them. As long as they enjoy what they do why throw in the towel prematurely...?

2000...nothing and no one is able to tell them to stop anyway. As long as there are still core fans there is hope...

2000...and as in music nothing is ever finished, who knows if a return to grace is not still within the realm of possibility...'s worth believing in it a little bit even if there's little hope that their musical style will become the most trendy of the moment in a few years...

2002...they manage to last in any case and for that alone it means that the foundations remain solid at this stage...

2002...for how much longer is a good question but for now it's holding. Let's hope it lasts as they say... any case this new opus proves de facto that the adventure has not yet reached its end, it must be noted...

2005... they've been here for 25 years and they have every intention of going as far as possible at first glance...

2009...and it doesn't matter whether it's a success or not. A desire to believe in it until the end that commands respect, without a doubt...

2009...they will have still gone through the 80s, then the 90s, then the 2000s and here they are at the gates of the 2010s... impressive longevity all the same and it is good to note. Because one does not last a minimum without talent all the same...

2016...sure we're going to lose sight of them again for almost 7 years but here they are again no matter what. The little guys are unstoppable, we can only note the facts... band lasts if it is not basically one of the best of its generation. Certainly in a particular musical field but still...

2016...if people continue to invest in their music, there must be reasons. And so much the better for them, you might say...

2019...and one more opus, one ! A discography that grows year after year, decade after decade and which may not be finished either...

2019...because at this stage it's their last opus but who knows what the future holds for them ? A pure and simple disappearance or yet another return...

2019...we will therefore wait quietly to see what the future decides. To be continued as they say in the years to come...or not....


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