Gene Loves Jezebel is an English band formed in 1980 and originally composed of brothers Michael and Jay Aston, Ian Hudson, Stephen Davis and Steve Evans.
A band that released a first Single "Shaving my neck" in 1982, a title that unfortunately went somewhat unnoticed...
It was the release of the album "Promise" a year later in 1983 that finally revealed them to the general public, notably thanks to the big-name titles "Screaming", "Bruises" and "Influenza (relapse)".
New album "Immigrant" two years later in 1985, an album with less success but which paradoxically produced several Singles that did even better than their predecessors, namely "The cow" and "Desire".
Recognition, the real one, came a year later in 1986 with the release of the album "Discover". This time, the album was no longer ranked in the independent charts but in the so-called traditional charts. Just like the Singles "Sweetest thing" and "Heartache" which will be the two main extracts.
Success confirmed but not amplified the following year with the release in 1987 of the album "The house of dolls", at least on the albums side. Because on the Singles side the group will achieve its 2 biggest successes with the flagship Singles "The motion of love" and "Gorgeous".
Three years will pass before the release in 1990 of the album "Kiss of life", album which will give the group its first North American success mainly thanks to the title "Jealous". A success on the contrary that we will not find in Great Britain...
A major success which will be their last because everything that will be released after will not really know the same level of success.
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others...) :
80s Decade :
Shaving my neck 1982
Screaming 1983
So young 1983
Bruises 1983
Influenza (relapse) 1984
Shame (Whole heart howl) 1984
The cow 1985
Desire 1985
Sweetest thing 1986
Heartache 1986
The motion of love 1987
Gorgeous 1987
Suspicious 1987
Every door (withdrawn) 1988
90s Decade :
Jealous 1990
Tangled up in you 1990
Kiss of life 1990
Josephina 1993
American dreamer 1993
Any anxious colour 1993
Love keeps dragging me down 1999
Who wants to go to heaven ? 1999
Know I love you 1999
Who will survive you ? 1999
Loving you is the best revenge 1999
Sorry (Susan) 1999
2000s Decade :
Phreque 2001
Push 2001
Two boys and a wheelbarrow 2001
Exploding girl 2003
Love no longer 2003
My hearts a flame 2003
Why me, why this, why now 2009
2 hungry women 2009
Nico superstar 2009
2010s Decade :
Charmed life (Never give in) 2017
Summertime 2017
How do you say goodbye (To someone you love) 2017
2020s Decade :
The man that time forgot 2023
You can't hurt me anymore 2023
Young girl 2023
Tracks :
1982...a first title that will go somewhat under the radar. After all, you have to start somewhere, as they say. For them, it will be with this title...
1983...this one will go much less unnoticed and offer the group its first success. Certainly in the Independent Charts but still...
1983...a career that is well and truly launched. The main thing was to get noticed at least once, and that is now done...
1983...a first album that also charted, what more could you ask for. All they had to do was move from the Independent Charts to the so-called traditional Charts for their success to be complete...
1984...now every title that comes out is classified, which can only reassure them about what happens next. Everything is going as planned...
1984...they're just going to have to raise their game a little bit to get past the last hurdle they're struggling with. We're getting closer, we're getting closer...
1985...they are working on it anyway. There is no reason why it should not happen at some point, it cannot be otherwise...
1985...it won't be for the year 1985 but it could be that the next one will be the right one. We just have to wait a little longer...
1986...that's it, the switch to the big leagues is effective. They can now play on equal terms with the competition...
1986...certainly on the Singles side the success is mainly limited to England but it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the group can finally compete with the best...
1987...now comes the title that will remain as the highest ranked of their entire discography. A mid-80s decade that really sees them at the top of their form and especially of their success...
1987...not sure it will last like this for much longer but what is taken is no longer to be taken as they say. So we might as well make the most of it...
1987...in any case for the moment it's holding up. Be careful not to rest on your laurels because the competition never sleeps...
1988...as long as the quality level remains the same there is no need to worry about them. And so much the better...
1990...the group will achieve an impressive breakthrough in the United States at the very beginning of the 90s, a breakthrough that no one saw coming...
1990...surprisingly it will be to the detriment of success in Great Britain. After all, as long as there is success somewhere, the essential is preserved as they say...
1990...a multifaceted group with proven versatility. A characteristic that can only be found in the best of each generation as always...
1993...what we feared unfortunately is happening, that is to say that the group is going downhill impressively in the Charts...
1993...we have a hard time really understanding the reasons why and how but it is indeed the reality. Beware of danger...
1993...the group will therefore have to ask himself the right questions and quickly, otherwise the exit door risks opening more quickly than expected...
1999...it will take them 6 years to think about it but here they are again in any case. Now it remains to be seen whether this return will be beneficial to them or not...
1999...unfortunately there will be few real effects in the Charts of these 6 years of reflection. We would have frankly liked the opposite...
1999...after that they will have at least tried. And it doesn't seem to affect them more than that so we imagine that there will surely be a sequel to all this...
1999...a comeback after 6 years which sees them produce 2 separate albums. They try their best, but nothing will change...
1999...a determination not to give up that commands respect no matter what. More than one group in their place would have already thrown in the towel...
1999...but as they still have some material in the pipeline, they think it's worth believing in it a little longer...
2001...and it's certainly not the core fans who will complain. Core fans who rejoice to the highest degree as soon as a new opus comes out...
2001...on the other hand, as in music nothing is ever finished, they say to themselves that a return to grace is never to be excluded...
2001...we have already seen much more complicated situations reversed. So why not believe in a brighter future frankly...
2003...that's what they tell themselves every day that passes. And on principle, who could blame them, frankly ? Certainly not us...
2003...because when you see what they still manage to produce, it is clear that it would have been a real shame if the adventure had ended there...
2003...so we're going to take advantage as much as possible of any new title that comes out. Especially as long as they continue to maintain this quality level...
2009... another 6-year gap but here they are again. Nothing, and no one, is able to stop them once again...
2009...with each title we say to ourselves that it might be the last but they always come back again and again. Let's hope it lasts...
2009...we are already 3 decades into our career and we say to ourselves that it would be a shame if there was not a fourth...
2017...and there will be a fourth one. This time 8 years will have separated this title from the previous one but they are well and truly back...
2017...a return once again of quality, it must be said. The group has lost none of its talent and this despite the weight of the years and especially the decades...
2017...they take a mischievous pleasure in coming back during each decade and we imagine that this one will surely not be the last...
2023...the proof with this new title. A fifth decade of career which clearly shows that this group is far from being at the end of its history...
2023...an exceptional longevity that we owe only to a more than certain talent and which lasts over time above all...
2023...so, last title or not ? Only the future, and them of course, can answer this question. To be continued then...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :