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Unveiling the secret...

Not much info on Psyche other than the fact that it is a Canadian band formed in 1982 in Edmonton and originally composed of the Darrin brothers and Stephen Huss and Dwayne Goettel.

A group that will remain mainly in the musical history of the 80s for the high-caliber Single "Unveiling the secret" released in 1986.

As such alone, we had to devote this article to them.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others ...) :

80s Decade :

  • Thundershowers 1985

  • Prisoner to desire 1986

  • Unveiling the secret 1986

  • The crawler1986

  • Uncivilized 1987

  • Insatiable 1988

  • You're the only one 1988

  • Eternal 1988

  • The sundial 1989

90s Decade :

  • If you believe 1991

  • Angel lies sleeping 1991

  • Destiny 1991

  • Love is a winter 1994

  • Broken heart 1994

  • Ectasy 1994

  • You ran away 1996

  • Tears 1996

  • Lonely one 1996

  • Exhale 1998

  • Murder in your love 1998

  • Land of broken promises 1998

2000s Decade :

  • Assassin 2000

  • Sanctuary 2001

  • Unbreakable 2001

  • One last kiss 2001

  • Gods and monsters 2003

  • Edge of 17 2003

  • Nobody superstar 2003

  • Yearning 2005

  • 15 minutes 2005

  • September moon 2005

  • The beyond 2009

  • The quickening 2009

  • Snow garden 2009

2010s Decade :

  • Goodbye horses 2012

  • Eating violins 2012

2020s Decade :

  • Over the shoulder 2020

  • Just one kiss 2020

  • Lost in the nightmares 2022

  • Cry little sister 2022

  • Seasons 2022

  • Love satellite 2023

  • Haunting 2023

  • We are the 80's 2024


Tracks :

1985 ... a trendy tone, just like the style. Rather a good omen for the rest of the events as they say ...

1986 ... a sequel which shows a more than obvious potential in this group. It remains to find THE title that will make all the difference ...

1986 ... and THE title that will make all the difference, here it is ! Certainly, it will not be weary of the planetary tidal wave but this title will at least have the merit of revealing the group on the international scene. HU-GE !

1986...a sequel which will not be able to compete with the enormous previous title but which holds up regardless. It's already that...

1987 ... they will never produce a major title but it is clear that they have largely the level to appear in the big league. We will therefore be largely satisfied ...

1988 ... the 1980s saw the emergence of a large number of Canadian groups, but few succeeded in winning the cup. We can only salute the performance ...

1988 ... the group continues its adventure quietly and above all surely. Nothing fancy but a good job, quite simply ...

1988 ... still one of their most iconic titles. A particularly inspired end of the decade for the group and it shows. Above all, we can hear it !

1989 ... a title full of finesse to end the 1980s in the best possible way. Let's just let the magic happen ...

1991 ... the 1980s saw them hatch and then reach the big leagues. The 1990s, for its part, will confirm their status as a sure bet on the international music scene ...

1991 ... even if the level of inspiration is somewhat lower, it is nevertheless still sufficient to keep them in the leading pack. Hope it lasts ...

1991 ... new moment of sweetness. The group knows how to play in all categories, a versatility that can only be found with the best ...

1994 ... and what to say about it. Admittedly, its particularly dark atmosphere could frighten more than one, but its level of lyricism is more than enough to counterbalance this slight dark side ... adventure that continues quietly but surely. Certainly the group will never reach the top places in the Charts but he is far from unworthy, that's clear...

1994...especially since there is quality and quantity, which doesn't spoil anything, quite the contrary. And at first glance it's set to last like this for a few more years...

1996 ... the group will produce a particularly large number of titles throughout its career. We will only remember the best ...

1996 ... which will undoubtedly remain their best song of the decade. An adventure that lasts and above all that continues to produce high caliber single. What more !

1996... too bad they didn't manage to shine the spotlight as much as they should have given their potential...

1998...afterwards they will still have achieved a most honorable journey. They just missed the little nudge from destiny to accomplish very, very great things...

1998...a decade of the 90s which saw them manage to stay afloat without too much difficulty. It remains to be seen what the next decade has in store for them...

1998...already 2 great decades of career under the clock and a number of titles of significant quality. What more to ask...

2000 ... they will have crossed the decade of the 80s, then the decade of the 90s and here they are, unabashedly attacking the decade of 2000. With a level of inspiration that hardly ever weakens. What talent !

2001...a style and sound that will have evolved little since their beginnings. Were they already ahead when they started or are they conversely behind now, good question...

2001...we'll say both my Captain ! Their initial sound was relatively avant-garde and they are struggling to reinvent themselves now...

2001...afterwards the whole remains particularly coherent. Of course they are reluctant to leave their comfort zone but as long as it works, why change anything...

2003 ... still as good as ever, still up to date, the little guys. Of course, never at the top of the bill but always well placed. And the adventure is not over, far from it ...

2003...they still impress with this level of productivity which remains particularly high. All thanks to an inspiration that is constantly renewed...

2003...certainly not all the pieces necessarily have the same level of inspiration but overall the level remains of excellent quality... any case, it's the core fans who rejoice to the highest degree as soon as a new opus is released. Which is often the case...

2005...they will have released 4 albums during the 80s and 4 during the 90s. So, how many will they release during this new decade...?

2005...for the moment we are already on the third. Will they succeed in surpassing other decades, only the future will be able to answer this inevitable question...

2009...ultimately this decade will not surpass the others in terms of opuses released but the group will still release other titles during it..., will we see them again next decade ? Only them and the future can answer this question, that’s clear...

2009...come on, one last little title to end this decade in style. A full and complete 2000 decade which saw them continue the adventure in a very good way...

2012...and here they are again, unstoppable little guys ! It remains to be seen with which musical project they return...

2012...we are still in the 4th decade of career, which is no small thing ! Impressive longevity for a group that is no less impressive...

2020...the level of productivity has slowed considerably, it is clear. But they come back again and again to the delight of the core fans...

2020...they will come back whatever happens during each decade, it is clear. Here they revisit the Cure title dating from 1983 and we can say that the result will not equal the original but is far from being without interest...

2022...on the other hand the level of inspiration is not at its maximum during this new decade. It all feels like the end...

2022... after as long as they continue to enjoy what they do why would they throw in the towel prematurely...?

2022...we will find them solo on certain titles. An irrepressible desire to produce whether alone or with others, but who would frankly complain about it...

2023...we want to take everything they offer in the end. Certainly the best years are now behind them but still...

2023...we therefore imagine that this title will certainly not be the last. It now remains to be seen when they will decide to return and with what project...



Top Bonus : 2023...when Psyche covers Depeche mode...


Wiki :

Official Website :

Greatest Hits :

Discography :


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