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Unselfish lovers...

Full Force is an American group formed in 1976 in New York and composed of B-Fine (real name Brian George), Shy Shy (real name Hugh Junior Clark), Paul Anthony, Bow-Legged (real name Lucien George Jr.), Curt-T-T (real name Curt Bedeau) and Baby Gee (real name Gerry Charles).

A group whose particularity is to have composed as much for himself as for others, notably for UTFO, Doctor Ice, Samantha Fox, Patti LaBelle, The Force M.D.s, Britney Spears, James Brown, Lisa Lisa And Cult Jam, Backstreet Boys, ‘N Sync, Wild Orchid, Cheryl Pepsii Riley, Selena and others Lil’ Kim…

On its own account, the group released a first Single “Turn you on” in 1980, a Single that would unfortunately go somewhat unnoticed…

They would have to wait until 1985 and the association with 'Lisa Lisa And Cult Jam' on the title “I wonder if I take you home” to finally make people talk about them thanks to the huge success of the Single on both sides of the Atlantic. The same goes for the title “Can you feel the beat” which would be released shortly after.

But that’s without counting on the release of another Single “Alice, I want you just for me!” » still in 1985, a Single this time attributable exclusively to the group and which will remain as the biggest success of their entire discography on a personal level. Title that can be found on their first album which bears only their name and which will also be favored by the public the same year.

Success confirmed and amplified the following year in 1986, at least on the album side, with the release of "Full Force get busy 1 Time!", an album which will mainly produce two big-caliber Singles which are "Temporary love thing" and "Unfaithful (So much)".

At the rate of one album per year, it is the turn of "Guess who's comin to the crib' ?" to be released in 1987, an album which will remain as the highest ranked of all but which will paradoxically struggle to produce the slightest hit of planetary class.

The adventure will not stop there, far from it, but everything that will come out after will only have a limited level of success.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

80s  Decade :

  • Turn you on 1980

  • I wonder if I take you home 1985

  • Can you feel the beat 1985

  • Alice, I want you just for me 1985

  • Girl if you take me home 1985

  • Unselfish lover 1986

  • All cried out 1986

  • Temporary love thing 1986

  • Unfaithful (So much) 1986

  • Old flames never die 1987

  • Love is for suckers (Like me and you) 1987

  • Take care of homework 1987

  • Someone to love me for me 1987

  • Your love is so def 1988

  • Every little thing about you 1988

  • I’m real 1988

  • Go for yours 1988

  • Static 1988

  • All in my mind 1988

  • You and me 1988

  • After school 1989

  • Ain’t my type of hype 1989

  • Friends B-4 lovers 1989

90s  Decade :

  • Kiss those lips 1990

  • Nice ‘n sleazy 1992

  • Quickie 1992

  • Can I get your number 1994

  • It’s all on my face 1995

2000s  Decade :

  • No other love will do 2001

  • Kiss it where it hurts 2001

  • Born to love only you 2001

2010s  Decade :

  • I fell good, I look good, I'm God good 2014

  • Your love makes me higher 2014

  • Thank you for leaving me  2014


Tracks :

1980...a first title that will go somewhat unnoticed unfortunately. But as is very often the case in these cases... was the association with Lisa Lisa 5 years later that would completely change the situation to the point of giving them their first global success...

1985...a particularly profitable association since they followed up with this 2nd big-caliber success. Everything is going well from now on !

1985...a year that will have projected them onto the front of the stage in a rather resounding way, and this is only the beginning...

1985...and 4 ! Two top hits and two major hits, what more could you ask for ! The group really impresses, to say the least... will be difficult to match 1985 in terms of success, the bar has been set so high, but they are working on it in any case...

1986...and they almost succeed with this new title. The success will not be global but very strong in the United States, that's already something...

1986...for the moment everything is going perfectly for the group even if the level of success has dropped somewhat, let's not lie to ourselves...

1986...the group manages to stay at the head of the race without too much difficulty, which can only be reassuring for the rest of the events...

1987...the beautiful adventure continues in this year 1987 with a success that does not diminish. Let's hope it lasts as they say... need to worry too much about them during this 80s decade. For the moment everything is going as well as possible...

1987...except possibly for this title which will go somewhat unnoticed. It happens even to the best without it calling the adventure into question more than that... soon as they share the bill with Lisa Lisa the level of success skyrockets. That's the good news, the bad news is that it will be the last time...

1988...a year 1988 which will not remain as their best vintage but which will remain as their most prolific year on the other hand...

1988...a title that will go completely under the radar despite its more than certain quality. Sometimes you shouldn't try to understand...

1988...joining forces with James Brown is a risky bet, but a successful bet in this case in any case. A providential help that comes at just the right time... association with Lisa Lisa this time for the soundtrack 'Caddyshack II'. An association which will indeed be the last...

1988...since their first association had worked particularly well, here they are again together. And as before, the result will be up to par...

1988...we are already at 6 titles for this year 1988, a real feat in itself. Quantity and quality, what more could you ask for...

1988...the exception that makes the rule. While all their previous associations had worked particularly well, this one, on the contrary, will go completely unnoticed...

1989...a year 1989 which starts off just like their last title of 1988, namely in general indifference. Hard law of the trade...

1989...fortunately business picks up at the last minute with this new title, which proves once again that in music nothing is ever finished...

1989...this title will also be classified which can only reassure a little bit about the state of form of the group. It's already something...

1990...they start this new decade 90 here with the firm intention of not giving up as usual. Excellent resolution...

1990...a rather improbable association, to say the least, with an end result that is not without interest...

1992...for the moment the group manages to stay in the middle of the pack without too much difficulty. Let's hope it lasts...

1992...unfortunately the adventure will become somewhat complicated later on to the point that this title will be their last classified...

1994...which will not prevent them from continuing the adventure far from there. It is clear that they still have things to offer and especially to sing...

1995...certainly this will be done in a much more confidential way than before but they in any case continue to believe in it...

1995...and on principle who could blame them ? A return to grace is never to be excluded and we have sometimes seen reversals of situation that are at the very least astonishing...

2001...we're still going to lose sight of them for almost 5 years but here they are back anyway. They're hanging on, they're hanging on...

2001...a desire to believe until the end which commands respect without a doubt, especially when success eludes them somewhat...

2001...which does not prevent them from continuing to produce titles of certain quality. The essential is preserved as they say...

2014...then nothing interesting for over 10 years. But here they are again, still faithful to their post...

2014...for how much longer, good question. But for now they continue to not give up and it doesn't matter whether there is success or not... last title or not ? Knowing them it would still be very surprising if they didn't come back later, that's for sure...


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