Diane Dufresne is a Quebec singer who started her artistic career in Montreal around the age of 18, performing on stage texts from Aragon, Ferré and other Brel. We are then in 1962.
She was found shortly after in Paris, where she took singing and drama lessons during the day and sang in the evening in the cabarets of the Left Bank. We also see her appear in film scores and record some jingles.
It will take her 10 years and the year 1972 to finally see his career take off with the release of his first album called "Tiens-toé ben, j'arrive !". And for a first try, it is a real success thanks to the enormous 45 rpm "J'zi rencontré l'homme de vie", the title of which was written by a certain… Luc Plamandon.
The single is a real hit and propels the young singer in a shattering way on the front of the stage. A huge success that appealed to others in the years to follow, especially in 1975 with the titles "Les hauts et les bas d'une hôtesse de l'air" and "Chanson pour Elvis".
It was in 1978 that she achieved consecration when she landed the role of Stella Spotlight in an upcoming small musical called...Starmania. We know the incredible success that will follow, a success that will propel most of the singers of the troop to an unprecedented level of notoriety.
Resumption of the solo career from 1979, a year that saw her release several high-caliber titles such as "J'ai 12 ans" and "Le Parc Belmont".
The transition to the 1980s went rather well with the release of the album "Turbulences" in 1982, from which one of his most emblematic titles, "Oxygene", was to be extracted.
1984 saw her put on two major shows with on the one hand "Marie Rose" and then "Dioxyde de carbone", the year 1984 which was to be the culmination of her career.
A career that will begin to decline from the mid-80s and which will see the singer gradually disappear from the radar at the beginning of the 90s.
At least from the radars of the star system because she is not going to disappear from the artistic scene, far from it...
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
60s Decade :
Dans ma chambre 1968
70s Decade :
Un jour il viendra mon amour 1970
D'un jour à l'autre 1971
J’ai rencontré l’homme de ma vie 1972
Pars pas sans me dire bye-bye 1973
J’ai besoin d’un chum 1975
Partir pour Acapulco 1975
Chanson pour Elvis 1975
Les hauts et les bas d’une hotesse de l’air 1976
Vingtième étage 1977
Les adieux d’un sex symbol 1978
Le rêve de Stella Spotlight 1978
J’ai 12 ans 1979
Alys en cinemascope 1979
Une fille funky 1979
Le Parc Belmont 1979
80s Decade :
Strip tease 1980
Oxygene 1982
Seule dans mon linceul 1982
Turbulences 1982
Survoltée 1984
Délinquante 1984
Prison des femmes 1984
J’tombe amoureuse 1986
Un souvenir heureux 1986
Une femme tatouée 1987
Top secret 1987
Kabuki 1988
90s Decade :
Kamikaze 1993
J'écris c'qui m'chante 1993
Cendrillon au coton 1993
Le ciel connait la musique 1993
Que 1997
Les fantômes de l'amour 1997
J'vieillis 1997
2000s Decade :
Tango des matelots 2005
Youkali 2005
Le dernier aveu 2007
Passé date 2007
Mille et une nuits 2007
2010s Decade :
Partager les anges 2013
Je voulais te dire que je t'attends 2013
Comme un damné 2018
Le temps me fait la peau 2018
Mais vivre 2018
Tracks :
1968 ... how to imagine with this first title that this young singer will become a few years later one of the leading singers of the 1970s. Almost impossible ...
1970 ... nothing exceptional for the moment but a potential, and above all a voice which bodes well for the future. And beautiful things, there will be ...
1971 ... a nice track full of finesse which shows that the young singer is slowly but surely gaining strength. The voice asserts itself, as does the style. The big take-off will not be long ...
1972 ... then THIS title comes ! After a perfectly formatted debut, the singer lets go completely and offers us a title wacky at will. With the key to a first huge hit and a notoriety that explodes as a result. MAS-TER-FUL !
1973 ... a truly unique, fresh and playful style typical of the 70s and which she perfectly embodies. A freedom of tone which will always be its trademark and which will be as much its strength as its weakness ...
1975 ... after a year 1974 when not much will happen, here she comes back in a dazzling form in 1975. A dazzling form that we find well through this title, it's clear !
1975 ... a year 1975 plethora in terms of titles and at a certain qualitative level. The singer mixes styles and sounds with obvious mastery. And my faith, it all works very well !
1975 ... a year that ended in style with this title with strong Country accents. A very particular musical field that the singer is one of the few to dare to explore but the proximity of the States is not for nothing !
1976 ... she is able to embrace everyone, to explore everything in terms of sound. An extreme versatility that will allow her to obtain a new notorious hit thanks to this pretty story of the flight attendant...somewhat off the wall once again
1977 ... the years go by and look the same. Nothing extraordinary yet but a style that works perfectly and that makes her a truly unique model in this decade where everything is pre-formatted identically ...
1978 ... then comes the Starmania adventure. An incredible adventure which will reveal in a shattering way several artists who will become major artists thereafter. But at this point, no one knows yet ...
1978 ... but it is especially on this title that the singer will shine with a thousand lights. A truly exceptional musical that will undoubtedly remain as one of the most inspired of all time ...
1979 ... a musical which will propel several of its singers in a sensational way on the front of the stage. Of which she will necessarily be part !
1979 ... completely against current Disco standards, she continues her adventure in her own way. Where everything is Dance, she decides to continue playing it with finesse. And why not...
1979 ... she does not forget to go through the Dance box. It starts from a good feeling, but his level of inspiration in this area is after all fairly average, at least not high enough to hope to counter the competition ...
1979 ... it is obvious that the register 'With emotions' sees her clearly more inspired. An end of the 1970s which come together in all forms and we will not complain, far from it !
1980 ... the transition to the 80s is done to the rhythm of Dance. But the singer's style is still too inspired by the previous decade and she's really going to have to adapt quickly to new trends...
1982 ... this time, she knew how to adapt perfectly and the result is up to the new standards of the moment. All good as they say !
1982...a start to the decade which saw her ask herself the right questions and above all question herself as he should have done...
1982...she puts a more than obvious good will into it but certain titles have difficulty meeting the expectations of the younger generation, that's clear...
1984 ... the problem with her is that we alternate the best with the totally wacky. On this one, it will be the wacky which will win. Not sure it's her best track of the decade ...
1984...a mid-decade which saw her having fun with titles of which she was the only one to have the secret. Unfortunately to the detriment of the expectations of the general public...
1984...we won't remake her again as they say. She has never done anything like the others and it will be like that until the end, that's for sure...
1986 ... after a year 1985 when not much will happen, here she is back in this year 1986 in a style that is still so crazy. The problem is that at one point, too much strikethrough kills the strikethrough ...
1986 ... and yet, when she wants, she can. This piece is much more structured and shows a side of her much more peaceful. Like what, not much is enough ...
1987 ... even if it's been a long time since she deserted the first places in the Charts, she still continues to offer interesting things, it's clear. Songs that will unfortunately go somewhat unnoticed ...
1987...that doesn't stop her from continuing her adventure in her own way and it doesn't matter whether it's successful or not. The main thing for her now is to simply have fun...
1988 ... an adventure to say the least original which draws to an end. An extraordinary adventure for an unclassifiable artist, wacky at will and who will have done nothing like everyone else ...
1993...an adventure which is drawing to a close on the star system side but which is far from over, it is clear. Who would have doubted it...?
1993...she made efforts to ensure that certain titles fit with the times. This will be the case for this one but not really for the next one unfortunately...
1993...she is now light years away from the expectations of the younger generation on certain titles but for her there is no problem at first glance...
1993...an adventure which really continues on the fringes of the system. With the result being an inevitable phenomenon of marginalization...
1997...it doesn't affect her in any way and she intends to go as far as possible in the adventure. Obviously good news for basic fans...
1997...she will go as far as possible in her personal adventure. In any case, meeting the expectations of the general public is no longer a priority in any case...
1997...we still have to remember that she started her career in 1968 which is starting to be quite a few years all the same...
2005...we find her 8 years later in symphonic mode, one more fantasy. But with her we are no longer surprised...
2005...as soon as she can experience something new she immediately rushes into it. A need for novelty that devours her for good and bad...
2007...nothing and no one will stop her in any case. As long as she has things to offer, and especially things to sing, she will come back...
2007...a desire to believe in it until the end which undoubtedly commands respect because we are still almost 40 years into our career !
2007...completely outside of time and the expectations of the younger generation, she continues to chart her path as she sees fit...
2011... here she is quietly beginning a new decade, one more ! Who would have thought in 1968 that she would still be there almost 43 years later, not many people that's for sure...
2011...and yet she is indeed here even if the journey will have had its ups and downs. But what career doesn't know one...?
2011...an exceptional longevity for an atypical artist in every way. And we imagine that all this is not over, far from it...
2013...she will still have gone through the 60s, then the 70s, then the 80s, then the 90s, then the 2000s and here she is now in the 2010s. That's a long way...
2013...she revisits here what will undoubtedly remain as one of Michel Jonasz's Masterpieces dating from 1976. A copy that is original to say the least and not devoid of interest, that's for sure...
2018...here she is again 5 years later, faithful to the position and determined not to give up until the end. So we have been warned as they say...
2018...she will go all the way, certainly at her speed and in her own way, but she will go in any case. It's not the fans of the first hour who would complain...
2018...we therefore imagine that this title will certainly not be the last. It now remains to be seen when she will decide to return and especially with what musical project...
Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime I...
Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime II...
Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime III...
Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime IV...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :