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The Queen's greeting...

Queen Latifah, whose real name is Dana Owens, is an American actress-songwriter also known for her roles in sitcoms, as well as for her talk show and her songs with committed lyrics that speak in particular of domestic violence, harassment in streets and couples problems.

She started her singing career at 18 by releasing a first single "Wrath of my madness". We are then in 1988.

But it was only a year later, in 1989, that she experienced her first successes. On the one hand with the release of the album "All hail the queen" and on the other hand with the release of the single "Dance for me", single which gives her his first ranked title.

This success was amplified the following year when the singles "Come into my house", "Mama gave birth to the soul children" but also, and above all, "Ladies first", were released in 1990. Singles taken from the same album and which allow her to reach a not insignificant level of notoriety.

New album “Nature of a sista” in 1991, album from which the biggest success of all his single-side discography will be extracted with the title “Fly girl”. On the album side, it was in 1993 that she had her biggest success with the release of "Black Reign". Album that will produce the flagship single “U.N.I.T.Y. which came out in 1994.

She will release a new opus "Order in the court" in 1998 but it will not experience the success of its predecessor. A nice career that will continue the following decade with the release of several albums, some of which will be very successful.

To discover or rediscover.

Discography (among others ...) :

  • Wrath of my madness 1988

  • Dance for me 1989

  • Ladies first 1990

  • Come into my house 1990

  • Mama gave birth to the soul children 1990

  • Fly girl 1991

  • Latifah’s had it up 2 here 1992

  • How do I love thee 1992

  • U.N.I.T.Y. 1994

  • Just another day 1994

  • Black hand side 1994

  • Week end love 1994

  • I can't understand 1994

  • Mr. Big Stuff 1997

  • It’s alright 1997

  • Paper 1998

  • Bananas (Who you gonna call ?) 1998

  • Everywhere you go 2001

  • Simply beautiful 2004

  • The same love that made me laugh 2004

  • Poetry man 2007

  • Quiet nights of quiet stars 2007

  • Champion 2008

  • Ting a ling 2008

  • The light 2009

  • Fast car 2009

  • Long ass week 2009

  • Walk the dinosaur 2009

  • The star spangled banner 2015


Clips :

1988 ... a first title to break in and try to find the style that goes well. There is still work to be done, that's for sure, but the basics are obviously good !

1989 ... the first hit, admittedly minor, but it's still better than nothing. The evolution is linear and we imagine that at some point, something big will happen, that's for sure ...

1990 ... after 2 years spent looking for herself, the singer finally seems to have found the style that suits her well. The level of success rises crescendo title after title and it is certainly not over, far from it ...

1990 ... a BIG year 1990 with several high-caliber titles which undeniably position the singer as one of the phenomena of the moment

1990 ... the beginning of planetary recognition. We suspected that the work would pay off and that the level of notoriety would quickly exceed the borders of the United States. It is now done !

1991 ... only one title on the clock for 1991 but no matter the quantity, it's the quality that counts. And this title is certainly not without it, it is clear !

1992 ... there will be quantity in this year 1992 but unfortunately it is the quality which will suffer somewhat. Result of the races : obvious decline in the Charts ...

1992 ... and this is not the title that will help raise the bar. This year 1992 will not be remembered as the singer's best vintage, that's clear ...

1994 ... after an empty year 1993, the singer returns in an obvious form and signs here the biggest success of her career. Like what, not much was enough ...

1994 ... the year 1990 was huge, 1994 will be even more so. The top hits follow the top hits and everything seems disconcertingly easy for the singer. Hope it lasts !

1994 ... the great adventure continues and nothing, and no one, is able to take away her joy at the singer's communicative turn. There are years like that, when it wants, it wants !

1994 ... a year 1994 which never ends and which offers us beautiful surprises with for example this title which does not resemble anything that the singer could propose until then. All good !

1994 ... always and again in 1994. Impossible to stop the singer that year, the titles follow the titles and the quality is omnipresent. We are not going to sulk our pleasure as we say !

1997 ... this time, it's two empty years. So back in 1997 in a relative form and the sanction is not long in coming : it is quite simply the beginning of the end !

1997 ... she will try everything for everything with this foray into pure and hard Dance. She is far from being ridiculous, it is clear but it is already too late unfortunately for her, the competition is now light years ahead ...

1998 ... the last hit and still of modest level. Her revisited version of Marvin Gaye's cult title 'I heard it through the grapewine' dating from 1968 is not of a sufficient level to hope to see her come back in the race unfortunately ...

1998 ... the end of the 90s which ended painfully with a level of inspiration for absent subscribers. She will even try to move on to the next decade but when it doesn't want it anymore, it doesn't ...

2001...she continues to believe in it in any case and as she knows that in music everything is possible, she tells herself that a return to grace is never to be excluded...

2004...a title that has nothing to do with the previous title, to say the least. The art of going from one extreme to another...

2004...the most important thing for her is to continue her adventure in her own way and without really taking into account the musical developments of the moment. Bet for the less daring...

2007...very often in the second part of their career, artists set off on paths that have little to do with those taken at their beginnings. With very random results every time... his case the choices are rather judicious but will not allow her to return to the race unfortunately...

2008...once again it's the big gap between the previous title and this one. She loves going through all the possible and imaginable styles with a more than obvious pleasure...

2008...decidedly, she jumps from one style to another in a totally hilarious way. On the other hand, this is also what makes its charm...

2009... what is certain, however, is that she has returned to a decidedly more modern style. This will inevitably increase its visibility with the younger generation...

2009...we really wonder if it's the same singer we met on the title 'Poetry man' only 2 years ago. And yet it's the same...

2009... like what in music everything is always possible and the most improbable reversals of situations too...

2009...and here she is even in soundtrack mode for the movie 'Ice age : dawn of the dinosaurs'. A title with more than certain energy and which proves once again that we will still have to count on her in the years to come...

2015 ... we will still lose sight of her for almost 6 years and here she is back in nationalist song mode who would have believed it. She revisits the American anthem in her own way and her version will not bring much more than all the others but will at least have the merit of originality...


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