Melba Moore, whose real name is Beatrice Hill, is an American singer who saw her musical career begin in 1966 with the release of her first song called "Don’t cry sing along with the music". Title that will unfortunately go completely unnoticed.
She would have to wait until 1970 to see her achieve her first success with the single "I got love", a small success which would at least have the merit of making her known to the general public.
Five more years will have to be necessary before seeing her finally take off thanks to the signature in 1975 with the label Buddah Records. A signature which allows her to obtain a year later in 1976 her first global hit with the enormous single "This is it", taken from the album of the same name. Single which will become the best-selling Disco title of the year in England.
The album "Melba 78 '" which came out in 1978 offers her two new major hits with the titles "You stepped into my life" but also, and above all, "Pick me up I'll dance" which, him, leaves a year later in 1979.
The albums "Burn", "Closer" and "What woman needs" released in 1979, 1980 and 1981 respectively were only relatively successful.
This is not the case with the album "The other side of the rainbow" which came out in 1982 and which will produce two new top hits with "Mind up tonight" and "Underlove". But also a new mega hit with the single "Love's comin at ya".
After two medium success album releases, "Never say never" in 1983 and "Read my lips" in 1985, her biggest album success came in 1986 with the release of the album "A lot of love". Flagship album of the singer's career from which no less than 5 very high caliber singles will be extracted with the biggest hits being the singles "A little bit more" and "Falling".
The end of the decade will unfortunately see her gradually disappear from the radar with a last success at the very beginning of the following decade with the title “Do you really (Want my love) ? " from the album "Soul Exposed".
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others ...) :
Don’t cry sing alone with the music 1966
We're living to give (To give each other) 1969
I got love 1970
Look what you're doing to the man 1970
I ain't got to love anybody else 1972
I'am his lady 1975
This is it 1976
Lean on me 1976
Free 1976
The long and winding road 1977
The way you make me feel 1977
Standing right here 1978
You stepped into my life 1978
Pick me up, I’ll dance 1979
Miss thing 1979
Take my love 1981
Love’s comin’ at ya 1982
Mind up tonight 1983
Underlove 1983
Keepin' my lover satisfied 1983
Livin’ for your love 1984
Love me right 1984
Read my lips 1985
When you love me like this 1985
A little bit more 1986
Falling 1986
It’s been so long 1987
I can’t complain 1988
Love and kisses 1988
Do you really (Want my love ?) 1990
Everybody 1998
Clips :
1966 ... a light, cheerful and playful title by way of the first title. Even if it will go under the radar, the potential of the singer is obvious !
1969 ... the talent is obvious but for the moment it does not pay unfortunately. We will still have to be patient before she can join the big leagues ...
1970 ... this time will be the right one. The singer finally obtains her first success and can foresee the future under the best auspices !
1970 ... a BIG year 1970 with a plethora of quality titles. The rise in power is linear and augurs very beautiful things for the future, it is clear ...
1972 ... success in the Charts fluctuates enormously with the songs. An instability which does not allow the singer for the moment to position herself as one of the sure values of the moment ...
1975 ... a nice track full of finesse and softness which shows that she is as effective in Dance as in Intimist. Rather a good omen for the rest of the events ...
1976 ... then THIS title comes ! The title of the revelation, the true one, which will propel the singer to the top of the planetary Charts and finally come to reward years of efforts. HU-GE !
1976 ... even if this title will not know the same level of success as its predecessor, it proves in any case that the singer can really excel in the Intimist. We therefore imagine that there will be others and we can only rejoice !
1976 ... she alternates masterfully with Intimist titles and Dance titles. A versatility that is only found with the Greatest, that's for sure
1977 ... she delivers here an absolutely sumptuous revisited version of the Beatles titles dating from 1970. A revisited version which almost exceeds the original, that is to say !
1977 ... she continues to alternate frenzied rhythm and much more calm rhythm. A recipe that works perfectly for the moment !
1978 ... the singer grows inexorably, year after year, title after title. So we imagine that the best is yet to come !
1978 ... this time she revisits a Bee Gees title dating from 1975. And once again the copy almost surpasses the original. An obvious gift for this particular style of exercise !
1979 ... new planetary top hit which positions the singer ideally for the rest of the events. Enough to negotiate the turn to the 80s in the best possible way, that's clear !
1979 ... a year 1979 definitely placed under the sign of pure and hard Dance. It must be said that the Disco is in full swing and it would be suicidal not to ride the wave !
1981 ... a transition to the 80s perfectly mastered and which therefore allows the adventure to continue in the best conditions. Ideal location as they say !
1982 ... his biggest hit of the decade. Only one title in this year, but what a title. She has been able to adapt perfectly to the new trends of the moment and we see the result, especially we hear it. HU-GE !
1983 ... the great adventure continues with this title which gives her a new notorious success. After a decade of the 70s which saw her integrate the big leagues with obvious ease, the 80s, for its part, definitively raised her to the rank of planetary star. A well-deserved consecration !
1983 ... a year 1983 when everything succeeds for her. She connects the top hits at a truly astounding speed and it's gone to last. What talent !
1983 ... a 1983 year that never ends with a plethora of titles of certain quality. Undoubtedly one of the best years for the singer to whom everything seems to succeed !
1984 ... after a year 1983 Dance, Dance, Dance, the singer goes back to Intimist mode for our greatest pleasure. An area that suits her like a glove. The proof !
1984 ... a dynamic of success that does not weaken. Certainly, the level of success is limited to the United States but it's always better than nothing as they say !
1985 ... one would have thought that at some point, the 1980s would be unfavorable to her, to say the least. Oh no, not only does she maintain a level of quality more than obvious but in addition she continues to achieve success. What more !
1985 ... of course, she will never be part of the Top10 of the greatest singers of the moment but she will at least have had the merit of being in the front row and this for a bunch of years ...
1986 ... at 2, it's so much better ! The duet with Freddie Jackson works very well and takes us to countries of softness and finesse that we never tire of
1986 ... an essentially Intimist year and given the quality of the pieces produced, who would complain. An area in which she excelled from start to finish
1987 ... already 20 years of career. She will have crossed the 70s and 80s with obvious ease and it is set to last a few more years ...
1988 ... since their first meeting had gone rather well, to say the least, she puts it back together with Freddie Jackson. The success will be a little less but we will largely be satisfied with it !
1988 ... yet another title of more than certain quality, but which nevertheless only met with limited success. The beginning of the end...
1990 ... the beginning of the end but not yet for now. She will have crossed the decade of the 70s, then the 80s and here she is quietly entering the 90s. With the key to a last notorious success. What talent !
1998 ... a last title to end the adventure in style. An adventure that will have lasted 3 decades and produced several hits of very high caliber. All good !
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :