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The bitter pill...

Warrant is an American band formed in 1984 in Los Angeles and originally composed of Max Asher, Adam Shore, Josh Lewis, Erik Turner and Chris Vincent.

A band that began to get noticed on the Hollywood club music scene, but it was their demo tape recorded for Prince Paisley's label Park Records that changed the situation.

The band then got noticed by other labels such as A&M Records, a label that made them record tracks in turn.

But in the end, it was the Columbia label that allowed them to release their first album "Dirty rotten filthy stinking rich" in 1989, an album with certain success in North America as well as in the southern sphere. In particular thanks to the Singles "Down boys" and "Big talk" but also, and above all "Heaven", a huge Single that will remain as the biggest success of their entire discography on a global level.

New album "Cherry pie" a year later in 1990, album that extends their level of influence a little more on a global level even if it will not be able to match its predecessor in terms of success achieved. Album carried by the flagship title which bears the name of the album.

New album "Dog eat dog" in 1992, album acclaimed by critics and considered by fans as the best opus of the group even if it will not remain in history as the best ranked of all. Album from which will be extracted mainly the Single of big caliber "Machine gun" and to a lesser extent "The bitter pill".

Successful album which will be the last of this magnitude because everything that will be released afterward, whether at the albums level or at the Singles level, will only know a very limited level of success.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

80s  Decade :

  • Down boys 1989 

  • Heaven 1989

  • Big talk 1989

  • Game of war 1989

90s  Decade :

  • Sometimes she cries 1990

  • Cherry pie 1990

  • I saw red 1991

  • Uncle Tom’s cabin 1991

  • Blind faith 1991

  • We will rock you 1992

  • Machine gun 1992

  • The bitter pill 1992

  • The hole in my wall 1992

  • April 2031 1992

  • Andy Warhol was right 1993

  • Family picnic 1995

  • Stronger now 1995

  • Followed 1995

  • AYM 1996

  • Feels good 1996

  • Indian giver 1997

  • Southern comfort 1999

  • Downboys 1999

  • Hollywood (So good, so far) 1999

2000s  Decade :

  • Face 2001

  • Sub human 2001

  • Come and get it 2001

  • Glimmer 2006

  • Devil's juice 2006

  • Love strikes like lightning 2006

  • Down in diamonds 2006

2010s  Decade :

  • Life's a song 2011

  • Home 2011

  • Found forever 2011

  • I think I'll just stay here and drink 2017

  • Only broken heart 2017

  • Devil dancer 2017

  • Perfect 2017

  • Louder harder faster 2017


Tracks :

1989...the group will make a career start that is to say the least smashing at the end of the 80s with a first top hit worldwide. What more could you ask for...

1989...but that's without counting on THIS title. The title that will give them the biggest global success of their entire discography and make them One Shot enter the musical Pantheon of this end of the 20th century. MAS-TER-FUL ! exceptional year in all respects with this 3rd success, certainly of lesser importance than the 2 previous ones but it doesn't matter there is success whatever happens...

1990...a transition to the next decade which is done on more or less the same basis as the end of the previous decade, that is to say at the top ! just 2 years the group will have smashed everything in its path and will have become one of the leading groups of the moment. A masterfully led start to a career...

1991...the hardest part now will be to keep going and not disappear as quickly as we arrived. It's up to them to make sure that doesn't happen...

1991...for the moment everything is going as planned and success follows success. Of course the level of success has seriously weakened but there is success no matter what...

1991...a 3rd year at the highest level that ends with this new title. It could unfortunately be the last year at this level... a general rule when a group is at the peak of its career it is favored by filmmakers to enhance their soundtrack. The group will not escape it...

1992...the first title of a new opus that will remain for purists as the reference album of the group. Reference album but which paradoxically will only produce minor hits...

1992...strange paradox indeed to be praised by critics and fans but without the Singles sales following behind...

1992...whatever happens, the group will have to make the most of this enormous critical success because the rest may not be as favorable to them...

1992...we always know that when the top of the mountain is reached, we have to come back down. Something that the group will realize brutally later...

1993... after that does not mean the end of the adventure, far from it. The group absolutely does not intend to stop there and this is to the great delight of the fans of the first hour...

1995...and fans from the very beginning, at this precise moment, there are still a whole bunch of them. And since in music everything can change very quickly, why not believe in a possible return to grace...

1995...if there is a return to grace it will not be for this decade in any case, or even during the following one. So we will have to be very patient...

1995...and that's to be patient, they're going to be damn patient and tell themselves that for the moment there's no reason to worry more than that...

1996...who would blame them frankly ? As long as they still have things to offer and especially to sing, why throw in the towel prematurely...?

1996...and in principle they are absolutely right. They will still have to ask themselves the right questions concerning the direction to give to the rest of the adventure...

1997...because continuing for the sake of continuing is good, but it is not enough in the end. Without a valid project and a fundamental questioning, there will be no salvation in the end...

1999...because the competition is no longer giving any gifts and the group is now relegated to being more of a figurehead than anything else. It's up to them to make sure that the machine restarts as it should...

1999... ten years after their rather dazzling start, it is time to take stock and for the moment it is clear that the exit door is fast approaching...

1999...and this despite a non-negligible quality of titles. The big problem is that the competition is such that there are not many places left in the sun for latecomers... any case they say to themselves that it would surely be worth trying to move on to the next decade. And why not...

2001...even if this decade will not be the one of the return to grace, that does not mean that it is a decade devoid of interest, far from it... long as their level of inspiration remains sufficient, they have every interest in continuing to believe in it a minimum and we necessarily do too...

2006...certainly the production of titles will slow down sharply during this decade but there will be production of titles all the same...

2006...and that's the main thing, not to lose your footing. You just have to be patient and wait for better days, as they say...

2006...and that's what they're going to do, hoping to see the sky clear at some point. And as they say, hope springs eternal...

2006...few titles will be produced during this decade but there will be production which allows the group to show that he still exists. Not insignificant precision...

2011...the return to grace that they have been hoping for for years is happening. Admittedly in a very moderate way but this new opus will allow them to show their noses in the Charts...

2011...a return to the Charts through the back door but there is a return no matter what. Certainly in the Hard Rock Charts but it's still better than nothing...

2011... once again the production of titles will be limited to say the least but unlike the previous decade their new titles will go a little less unnoticed...

2017...this new opus is what will really mark their return to the forefront. Moreover, on a global level, what more could you ask for...

2017... which proves that it's always worth hanging on. Especially since more and more groups from the 80s are also back, which can only encourage them to continue the adventure as far as possible...

2017...good work in any case and which allows them to show that we will still have to count on them in the years to come, that's for sure... it remains to be seen when they will decide to come back and especially with what project. If they decide to come back of course...


Wiki :

Official Website :

Greatest Hits :

Discography :



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