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Hazey daze...

Few solid info about Chris & Cosey, also known as Carter Tutti, except the fact that it is an English duo composed of Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti.

Duo who started their artistic career within the 'Throbbing Gristle' between 1976 and 1981, a group that they will therefore leave at the beginning of the 80s to continue their adventure as a duo.

The duo will produce an impressive number of albums and will remain mainly in the musical history of this end of the 20th century for the high-caliber single "Obsession" which will be released in 1987.

For this reason alone, we had to devote this article to them.

To discover or rediscover.

Discography (among others…) :

  • Hearbeat 1981

  • Moving still 1981

  • The gates of ancient cities 1982

  • Until 1982

  • Night shift 1982

  • This is me 1983

  • October (Love song) 1983

  • The need (Conspiracy International) 1983

  • Driving blind 1984

  • Lament 1984

  • Hammer house (Conspiracy International) 1984

  • Meeting Mr Evans (Conspiracy International) 1984

  • CTI Credit sequence (Conspiracy International) 1984

  • Sweet surprise 1985

  • Stolen kisses 1985

  • Hazey daze 1985

  • The gift of tongues (Conspiracy International) 1985

  • Smell the roses 1986

  • Exoctoba 1986

  • Obsession 1987

  • Allotropy - 2nd movement 1987

  • Allotropy - 5nd movement 1987

  • Exotika 1988

  • Rise 1988

  • Futureshock (Conspiracy International) 1988

  • Guest+Host = Ghost (Conspiracy International) 1988

  • Deep velvet 1989

  • Trust 1989

  • Passion 1991

  • Synaesthesia 1991

  • Sin 1991

  • Fantastique 1992

  • Masqued 1992

  • Nothing exists (CTI) 1993

  • Inner faint light (CTI) 1993

  • Sysdome (CTI) 1994

  • Syndromedia (CTI) 1994

  • Spectrophilia (CTI) 1995

  • Audio lava (CTI) 1995

  • Walking through heaven (C & C Twist Mix) 1995

  • Real time 1997

  • Endless rain 1997

  • Daspooki (CTI) 1998

  • Repose (CTI) 1998

  • Infect us 2003

  • Museum of sleep (Carter Tutti) 2004

  • Unreality I (Carter Tutti) 2004

  • Lowlands (Carter Tutti) 2007

  • Woven clouds (Carter Tutti) 2007

  • V3 (Carter Tutti Void) 2012

  • V4 (Carter Tutti Void) 2012

  • Coolicon-A 2013

  • F = (2.2) (Carter Tutti Void) 2015

  • F = (2.7) (Carter Tutti Void) 2015

  • T 3.2 (Carter Tutti Void) 2019

  • T 3.4 (Carter Tutti Void) 2019


Clips :

1981...a first title which immediately shows that this duo has already perfectly assimilated all the musical fundamentals of the beginning of the 80s...

1981...however, it's a story without words. A bold and above all risky bias that does not help to break through to the highest level...

1982... the sound and the style perfectly sum up the very particular and unique musical climate of this beginning of the decade. The basics are good but that's not all...

1982...the duo is therefore more into experimentation for the moment than anything else. We're going to give them some time to evolve...

1982...the fact of doing in the experimental and the pure instrumental marginalizes them de facto. After others have broken through at the highest level without words. There were few, but there were...

1983...that's it, they finally understood that adding a few voices doesn't hurt, quite the contrary. An essential development that will inevitably help them to pass the level on which they stumbled from the beginning...

1983... the addition of voices inevitably changed the situation and in a good way. It's up to them now to produce THE title that will allow them to move from shadow to light...

1983...despite the addition of voices, some titles are unlikely to attract crowds. They will therefore also have to work to make their sound accessible to all audiences...

1984...for the moment, no noticeable evolution in this direction. The duo continues to have fun but this considerably limits its influence suddenly...

1984... what is certain on the other hand, is that fans of electronic music find themselves there perfectly. It's always better than nothing as they say...

1984...not to mention that they scramble the tracks on the group name side because we will find them under several names such as Chris & Cosey, Carter Tutti, Carter Tutti Void, Conspiracy International, and other CTI...

1984...and here they are back in pure instrumental. One step forward, two steps back. It will be complicated under these conditions to reach the highest level...

1984...a first part of the 80s which will have seen them make the minimum of efforts to 'normalize' themselves. Afterwards, everything they have produced so far is far from devoid of interest, that's for sure...

1985... so we will have to be patient with them to see them finally fall into line. If they go back there one day, which is not won...

1985 ... there would be better with this title, finally. Afterwards, we know that with them, everything can change overnight and this in the good, as in the bad direction...

1985...the proof with this title which is not what we do best to attract the general public. Definitely, it's going to be complicated all that...

1985 ... we can not take away from them an undeniable original side. Afterwards, as always in this kind of musical path, there is always a price to pay...

1986... the group still makes more and more efforts to try to attract crowds. And it's more or less starting to work in the middle of the decade...

1986...they try but it's not won all the same. Every time they produce a 'normal' title, the one that follows is not really like the same...

1987... it is with THIS title that they will finally know a beginning of recognition worthy of this name. It was long overdue but it's finally done...

1987...with them, nothing is ever acquired because here they are again in instrumental mode. There is nothing to do, hunt the natural it comes back at a gallop...

1987...a really extraordinary duo but who really didn't choose the easy path, that's the least we can say. Afterwards, it's their style and they fully assume it...

1988...another title which shows that the group had everything he needed to break through at the highest level. But his will to do nothing like everyone else will have prevented them for that...

1988...even if the sound is Dance, which is a good thing, it's not necessarily enough to make a title successful. The proof with this one...

1988...the art of going from one extreme to another. We can't say that this title looks particularly like the one that preceded it...

1988...and still this dark side that they can't manage to erase from each title produced. A basic trend that they will keep from beginning to end...

1989...the duo reached the peak of their career at the end of the 1980s. Even if they weren't able to break through to the highest level, they came very close...

1989...and still these unclassifiable titles, out of time as they love to do. A really revealing duet of this incredible decade where everything was really possible musically speaking...

1991 ... not sure that the 90s changed much about their reputation internationally, but the quality is still relevant in any case. And originality too but that with them is a constant...

1991... now remains to be seen what new they will offer us during this new decade. Only them will know at this stage...

1991...for the moment the Dance sound is rather topical. But with them everything can change very quickly, we know it perfectly now... the same vein. No notable evolution concerning them for the moment and a rather linear career continuity...

1992... what is certain on the other hand is that the duo surely does not intend to stop in such a good way. Whether there is success or not has very little influence on their desire to continue or not at first sight...

1993...return to experimental mode. A step back which they are used to and which does not necessarily help them to progress on the path to normalization...

1993... after, there is always an audience for this style of music. Admittedly, restricted but it does exist, hence the fact that the group returns to this musical path inexorably...

1994...when they produce under the CTI name, it's still a story without words. A multi-faceted and above all multi-appellation duo that will have ended up blurring the tracks irreparably... they continue their adventure in their own way and without really taking into account the latest musical developments of the moment. Rightly or wrongly, that's something else...

1995...the duo will have evolved very little since their debut and remain firmly on their fundamentals. No notable evolution to expect for the moment concerning them...

1995...too bad they didn't manage to produce a major game-changer. Such is life as they say...

1995... what is certain is that they are still there. A presence that shows all the same that it is worth continuing. At least that's their opinion and we can only respect it...

1997...for the basic fans, seeing them continue the adventure against all odds can only delight them. And they inevitably ask for more...

1997... what is certain is that they are far from being ridiculous and that the quality level manages to maintain itself at a largely sufficient level. Isn't that the main thing... they are again in CTI mode and whoever says CTI, says back in total experimental mode. Whether they are in experimental mode or not, what is certain is that the production of titles is still consistent. We are therefore far, very far from a possible end to the adventure...

1998... now remains to be seen if they intend to move the lines in the event of a transition to the next decade. Otherwise, the rest of the adventure risks becoming somewhat complicated...

2003...for the moment the lines are not moving much. Admittedly, they were precursors in their very beginnings on the electronic music side, but today they are much less so, it is clear...

2004...and still those moments when the group decides to go back to musical lands for the obscure. With more or less success each time...

2004... obscure but original as always. Afterwards, there is a difference between originality and novelty, a concept that they find difficult to perceive...

2007... anyway, they decided to continue the adventure in the same way. Which inevitably delights the basic fans and this decade after decade... can think what you want of the duo but it has the merit of lasting. Far from rhinestones and sequins, which has always protected him since his debut...

2012...they reach 30 years of career here, a feat that can only be underlined. They only evolve very little but they last, they last, they last... always they confuse the issue by changing names regularly but they are the same. Always faithful to the post as they say...

2013...with each new title, you tell ourself that it may be the last and each time they come back again and again. A desire to believe in it to the end which undoubtedly commands respect...

2015 ... during each new decade they release at least 2 to 3 opuses, which is not nothing, it is clear. Hope it lasts...

2015...this opus will not remain as the most inspired but it at least has the merit of existing. And above all to allow the group to show that he exists !

2019 ... so we imagine that this opus will not be the last. There's no reason they can't come back in the next decade like they always have...

2019...a duo that will always have remained in the shadow of the greatest but who surely have nothing to be ashamed of everything they have produced so far. Anyway, to be continued...


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