The Origin is an American band formed in San Diego in 1985 and originally composed of Topper Rimmel, Rony Abada and Michael Andrews.
Group which released a first single "Music to my ears" in 1985, single which will unfortunately go completely unnoticed ...
They will have to wait 4 years and the signing in 1989 with the Virgin Records label to finally see things evolve. Label which will allow them to release a first eponymous album one year later in 1990, album which will not go unnoticed, and which will especially produce their first title classified with the single "Growing old".
New album "Bend" in 1992, album of recognition, the real one, with the production of what will remain as their biggest single success with the title "Bonfires burning".
It is the sale of the Virgin Records label by Richard Branson to EMI that will precipitate the downfall of the group since it will not be taken over by the new label, eviction which will precipitate their separation ...
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others ...) :
Music to my ears 1985
Growing old 1990
Everyone needs love 1990
November days 1990
Set sails free 1991
Bonfires burning 1992
Waiting 1992
Clips :
1990 ... after a first title which will have gone completely unnoticed 5 years earlier, the group returns motivated as never before at the beginning of the 90s. It is enough to see the supercharged side of this title to realize it ...
1990 ... an overspeed that we also find on this track even if certain passages are a little more peaceful. Not easy to conquer the general public in these conditions ...
1990 ... the titles follow each other and are very similar. It is clear that it will not be during this year 1990 that the big take-off will take place ...
1991 ... we start again on almost the same basis the following year. Too bad the group plays it in permanent overspeed because he has everything it takes to do great things in other rhythms ...
1992 ... it is clear that they do not seem really determined to change anything in their style. Even if this title will remain as their reference title, it will necessarily have been limited in its impact once again because of this overspeed ...
1992 ... a flashy career to say the least. Here they are already at the end of the adventure without having really had time to show the full extent of their possibilities. Hard law of the trade ...
Wiki :
Greatest Hits :