Rock the boat...


Very little information about Forrest other than the fact that it was an American singer, real name Forrest M. Thomas Jr, who will spend part of his life in the Netherlands.

Singer who died in 2013 and who will remain mainly in the musical history of the 80s for the title "Rock the boat" released in 1982. Single which will be a real hit on a planetary level that year.

As such alone, we owe it to him to devote this article to him.

To discover or rediscover...


 Discography (among others ...) :

80s Decade :

  • Rock the boat 1982
  • Dancing with my shadow 1983
  • One lover (Don’t stop the show) 1983
  • Feel the need in me 1983
  • She’s so divine 1984
  • Dance all night 1984
  • She’s so free 1986
  • Valerie 1987
  • You got what it takes 1989
  • Feelin’ alright 1989



 Tracks :


1982 ... a startling career for the less shattering with this luxury cover of the title of Hues Corporation dating from 1974. A cover that offers the singer a direct ticket to posterity. MAS-TER-FUL !


1983 ... the rest will prove to be a little more complicated to manage than expected. Quality is essential, it's obvious, but the singer will never be able to repeat the feat achieved on the previous track ...


1983 ... a BIG year 1983 all the same with plethora of titles and several classified titles. Of course, we are far from the top of the Charts but all the same !


1983 ... a year 1983 which ended in style with this title which will remain as its second biggest success. And once again thanks to a luxury cover this time of the Detroit Emeralds title dating from 1972 ...


1984 ... even if he is the king of the luxury revival, he still manages to deliver original titles which also hold up well. The proof with this title !


1984 ... new ranked hit. Certainly in the depths of the ranking but it's always better than nothing as they say ...


1986 ... what is certain is that in the field of Dance, it is undoubtedly one of the sure values of the moment. Hope it lasts ...


1987 ... in an ocean of Dance titles, here he gives us a first Intimist song. And my faith, in this area, it is far from being ridiculous ...


1989 ... at the end of the 1980s, here he is trying to adapt to new trendy sounds. Unfortunately, he will see the train go by but without being able to get on it ...


1989 ... a great adventure which will end at the gates of the 90s. Eight years of busy career including 1 global class title, this is what we call a positive assessment to say the least !


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