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Nothing to lose...

Red Rockers is an American band formed in New Orleans in 1979 and originally composed of John Griffith, James Singletary and Darren Hill.

Group which released a first mini-album "Guns of revolution" the following year in 1980, mini-album which will not go unnoticed in particular thanks to the flagship Single "Nothing to lose". A major success that will give them the nickname 'American Clash', just that...

A success that they did not manage to confirm the following year in 1981 with the release of their first real album called "Condition red". Despite good reviews, it will not manage to produce outstanding titles…

Faced with this counter-performance, the group will drastically reorient its punko-rock sound towards a much more new-wave oriented sound. A reorientation that will benefit them to the highest degree since they will finally get the semblance of recognition after which they have been running since their debut with the album “Good as gold”. Album which will remain as the best ranked of all thanks to the huge Single "China".

Once again they unfortunately failed to confirm behind and the album "Schizophrenic circus" which will be released in 1984 will go unnoticed to say the least. New poor performance from which the group will not recover and which will end up separating the following year in 1985.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others ...) :

80s Decade :

  • Guns of revolution 1980

  • Teenage underground 1980

  • Dead heroes 1981

  • Condition red 1981

  • China 1983

  • Good as gold 1983

  • Change the world around 1983

  • Eve of destruction 1984

  • Blood from a stone 1984

  • Another day 1984

  • Just like you 1985


Tracks :

1980...from the first title we know that this group is not going to be in the lace, that's clear. It is better to know it from the start to avoid unpleasant surprises as they say... overspeed and a muscular style, to say the least, typical of this beginning of the decade in the post-punk movement. No wonder then...

1981... souls and sensitive ears are therefore asked to move on. The group is aimed at an audience that we will qualify as insiders, it is clear...

1981...but that's also the 80s, all styles, all sounds, all possible and imaginable exuberance. A truly unique decade...

1983...then comes THE metamorphosis ! The group performs an impressive 180° in terms of style and sound and the result is not long in coming : the biggest hits of their entire discography, just that. Like what it was enough not much !

1983...a year 1983 which will undoubtedly remain as the best Vintage of their - short - career. Afterwards, it is better short and full than long and without interest...

1983 ... a career that will not exceed 5 years of longevity but which will still succeed in producing no less than 3 albums. It's already that...

1984... when we remember their debuts for the less overexcited, we can only be impressed by what has become of the group today. A rebirth that will have greatly benefited them in any case...

1984...they will have known their last title ranked on the previous title and this disappearance from the radar will necessarily serve the group. A disappearance from which they will not recover in the end...

1984...there was talent in this group and it's hard to understand this brutal fall, to say the least. Sometimes you don't have to try to understand...

1985... whatever it is, we will take advantage until the end of what they will have had to offer us. A group that deserved to go further but fate will have decided otherwise...


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