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Just like an arrow...

Magnum is an English band formed in 1972 in Birmingham and originally consisting of Bob Catley, Tony Clarkin, Bob Doyle and Kex Gorin.

Group which will have to wait almost 6 years before being able to release its first album “Kingdom of Madness” in 1978. Album which will enjoy great success across the Channel without succeeding in producing a hit worthy of the name...

The following album “Magnum II” will not really have such a favorable outcome and will go under the radar to say the least.

Resumption of business with the following albums, namely “Chase the dragon” in 1982 and “The eleventh hour” in 1983, two successful albums but which also failed to produce charted Singles.

They will have to wait for the following album “On a storyteller’s night” and the year 1985 to finally see their efforts rewarded to the height of their expectations, mainly thanks to the title “Just like an arrow”.

Success began to spread throughout Europe with the following album “Vigilante”, an album which in 1986 would land no less than 2 major hits with “Lonely night” and “Midnight (You won't be sleeping). )” but also in 1987 with the title “When the world comes down”.

But that's without counting on the album "Wings of Heaven", an album which was released 2 years later in 1988 and which will remain as the highest ranked in their entire discography. Album carried at arm's length by the huge Singles "Days of no trust", "Start talking love" and "It must have been love".

The following album “Goodnight L.A.” will be almost as strong in 1990 with the production of 2 new very high caliber Singles : “Rockin’ chair” and “Heartbroken and busted”.

Other albums will be released subsequently but the group will not be able to repeat the feat achieved in 1988 with “Wings of Heaven”.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

70s  Decade :

  • Sweets for my sweet 1975

  • Kingdom of madness 1978

  • Universe 1978

  • Baby rock me 1979

  • Changes 1979

  • Foolish heart 1979

80s  Decade :

  • Just like an arrow 1985

  • The lights burned out 1982

  • Back to earth 1982

  • Hold back your love 1982

  • Just like an harrow 1985

  • On a storyteller's night 1985

  • Lonely night 1986

  • Midnight (You won’t be sleeping) 1986

  • Whe the world comes down 1987

  • Days of no trust 1988

  • Start talking love 1988

  • It must have been love 1988

90s  Decade :

  • Rockin’ chair 1990

  • Heartbroke and busted 1990

  • Matter of survival 1990

  • Stormy weather 1992

  • You're the one 1992

  • Broken wheel 1992

  • Tall ships 1994

  • Back in your arms again 1994

  • Love's a stranger 1994

2000s  Decade :

  • Everyday 2002

  • Night after night 2002

  • Just like January 2002

  • Brand new morning 2004

  • We all run 2004

  • Hard road 2004

  • When we were younger 2007

  • Eyes wide open 2007

  • Inside your head 2007

  • Cry to yourself 2009

  • All my bridges 2009

  • A face in the crowd 2009

2010s  Decade :

  • Black skies 2011

  • Spin like a wheel 2011

  • Midnight kings 2011

  • Didn't like you anyway 2012

  • So let it rain 2012

  • Putting things in place 2012

  • Unwritten sacrifice 2014

  • Midnight angel 2014

  • Don't fall asleep 2014

  • Crazy old mothers 2016

  • Gypsy queens 2016

  • Your dreams won't die 2016

  • Without love 2018

  • Storm baby 2018

  • Tell me what you've got to say 2018

2020s   Decade :

  • Where are you Eden ? 2020

  • Not forgiven 2020

  • The last one on earth 2020

  • I won't let you down 2022

  • No steppin' stones 2022

  • All you believe in 2022

  • Blue tango 2024

  • The seventh darkness 2024

  • Here comes the rain 2024


Tracks : their first title they decide to revisit the Drifters title dating from 1961. Nice try but failed bet on this one...

1978...we find them 3 years later in original creation mode this time with a first opus which will finally succeed in getting people talking about them...

1978...but only on the albums side because on the Singles side no title from this opus will be classified. This shows that there is still a little work left, that's clear...

1979...even though we change the year, there is no notable change on the Singles Charts side. Afterwards you have to give time to time as they say...'s going to end up paying for all that. Certainly perhaps not yet during this year 1979 but we are getting closer in any case...

1979...what is certain is that the level rises title after title which necessarily bodes well for the rest of the events...

1982...we find them 3 years later at approximately the same stage. On the albums side, things are going relatively well, a little less on the Singles side... must be said that this kind of overspeed will not really help reach the general public but rather only an audience of insiders...

1982...they like to go from one extreme to another at first sight. Overspeed then soft tempo, you'll have to get used to it in any case...

1985...they will have to wait another 3 years but this time will be the right one, finally. They won their first classified title here and saw all their efforts finally rewarded...

1985...unfortunately, the relapse will be violent to say the least behind with this new title which unlike the previous one will not even be classified...

1985...a title which will not be officially released as a Single but which it would have been a shame to hide. Here it is brought back to light as it should be... picks up again in this new year 1986 and can only reassure us that the previous slight air hole was only temporary...

1986...two titles released during this year 1986 and two classified titles. Certainly at average levels but still...

1987...a year 1987 a notch below. Afterwards, given what is on the horizon, there is no need to worry about them...

1987...we will therefore let this year 1987 pass while waiting for a year 1988 which will prove to be exceptional in all respects for the group...

1988...a year 1988 which will dedicate them to the height of their talents both on the albums side and on the Singles side. Recognition, the real one !

1988... culminating in their biggest Single success on THIS track. A group that took a while to earn its ticket to posterity but it is now done. HU-GE !

1988...three titles will be released during this year 1988 and the three will be ranked at levels that are flattering to say the least. When it wants, it wants !

1990...not much interesting during 1989 and here they are back at the very beginning of the 90s. Back in great form, it is clear...

1990...we will have to take advantage of it because the adventure will be cut short in terms of the Singles ranking. Fortunately the albums will continue to do well...

1990...all the titles presented in this article will now not be officially released as Singles. It would have been a shame not to talk about it anyway...

1992...because the adventure is far, very far from being over. It's not because the group has disappeared from the Singles Charts that he no longer exists in any case...

1992...not only is the adventure far from over but their level of productivity in the years to come will be impressive to say the least... must be said that as long as their albums continue to perform particularly well, why throw in the towel prematurely...

1994...and that, to work well, they will work quite well. Surprising that this is not reflected more in the Singles Charts...

1994...afterwards as long as the group is satisfied with these successes only on the albums side there is no reason not to encourage them to continue...

1994...especially since the qualitative level remains more than sufficient to keep them in the race somewhat. Let's hope it lasts...

2002...of course we will lose sight of them for almost 8 years but here they are again in any case at the start of the new decade 2000...

2002...a return which will unfortunately go somewhat unnoticed. It must be said that the 8 years of absence did not help, that much is clear...

2002...that doesn't mean that the group has said its last word. It could be that the future will be much more favorable to them...

2004...the rebound in the Charts is confirmed with this new opus, showing that there was no more reason to worry than that...

2004... slight rebound but rebound there is in any case. The group continues to believe in it in any case, to the delight of its core fans...

2004...they won't give up until the end and it doesn't matter that success eludes them in the Singles charts. And on principle who would blame them... they are reaching 30 years of career which is no small thing ! Exceptional longevity to say the least...

2007...because where most of the groups from their generation have disappeared for a long time, they are still there in any case...

2007...not only are they still there but they are doing better than resisting. All thanks to an inspiration that hardly erodes over the years...

2009...the level of success in the Album Charts climbs again opus after opus which is still remarkable for a group from the 70s...

2009...a return to the forefront which may surprise but which above all rewards regular and above all particularly efficient work... now remains to be seen whether they intend to move on to the next decade or not. The future will tell us...

2011...and the answer is definitely yes. With them there is never an end and it is set to last like this for some time...

2011...once again it's not the core fans who are going to complain about it, quite the contrary. Not to mention a level of success in the Album Charts which continues to grow...

2011...the lights being green why not believe in the future ? Especially since more and more groups of their generation are also trying to come back, which makes them less alone...

2012...the group will have been able to perfectly bear the weight of the years and above all will have reinvented himself when necessary... ability to evolve which inevitably allows to last. Only those who were capable of it are still there like them...

2012...and there are few groups from their generation who have been capable of it. And those who try to return have finally understood that without evolution there is no salvation...

2014...opus after opus the group regains places in the Charts. A desire to believe in it until the end which is paying off in any case...

2014...we still have to remember that they started their career in 1978 and that we are in 2014. That's a long way to go...

2014...a journey that has lasted for 5 decades and which is not ready to stop at first glance because it is clear that they still have things to offer...

2016...the group is once again shining throughout Europe, who could have believed that at the start of the 2000s when they were really struggling...

2016...shows that you should never give up. Everything can evolve in one direction or the other and for them it is undeniably in the right direction...

2016...a level of productivity that is surprising in its density, that's clear. They will have released 4 opus during the 2000 decade and they will release 5 during the 2010 decade, no less !

2018...a beautiful and BIG decade 2010 which sees them perfectly master their destiny. All is well in the best of all possible worlds... why not make the most of all these rare moments ? That's what they say to themselves every day when they get up...

2018...certainly they wrote their most beautiful pages in the 80s but what they continue to write today can only make them proud once again...

2020...they will have gone through the 70s, then the 80s, then the 90s, then the 2000s, then the 2010s and here they are at the gates of the 2000s. Who would have thought it possible...

2020...and yet they did it well ! Very few groups from the 70s will have been capable of it and for that alone, hats off, gentlemen !

2020...knowing in addition that they certainly don't intend to stop there. The 2020 decade risks being as dense as the previous ones...

2022...a discography that grows inexorably, year after year, decade after decade. And there it starts to add up to a hell of a lot of titles...

2022...and there will be others, many more, that's for sure. They are far from having said everything at first glance or at least from having sung everything...

2022...and nothing and no one is able to slow them down in any way. They will believe in it until the end and no matter the obstacles and difficulties encountered... is a new opus, one more ! But we suspect that there will be others later, it cannot be otherwise...

2024...because we know, with them, nothing is ever finished ! A new decade where they risk surprising us even more than before...

2024...we are sure in any case that this title will not be the last. We are therefore quietly waiting for their next opus which will not necessarily be long...


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