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If we could have read her mind......

Viola Wills, real name Viola Wilkerson, was an American singer who, apart from being a successful singer, also had the distinction of already being the mother of 6 children before the age of 21 !

It was in 1965, at the age of 26, that she was noticed by Barry White who allowed her to sign with the Bronco Records label. A signing that first allowed her to work with other renowned artists such as Joe Cocker and Smokey Robinson.

On the solo career side, she began to release a few titles in the second half of the 60s such as "I got love" in 1966, "Don't kiss me Hello and mean goodbye" in 1967 and "I've got news for you" in 1969. Three titles that would go somewhat unnoticed unfortunately...

She would have to wait another 5 years and the year 1974 to release a first album called "Soft centers", an album that would also go unnoticed...

Five more years would pass before she finally managed to move from the shadows to the light and in a very beautiful way thanks to the enormous Single "Gonna get along without you now". A title that would be a real global hit during the year 1979 and finally reward her as much as she hoped.

Title taken from the album "If you could read my mind" which would be released a year later in 1980 and would also be popular with the public.

Short-lived success because she will never manage to repeat the feat despite the subsequent release of other albums and other Singles.

Artist who will leave us on May 6, 2009 at the age of 69 due to cancer.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

60s  Decade :

  • I got love 1966

  • I’ve got news for you 1969

70s  Decade :

  • Day in the life of a woman 1974

  • Let’s love now 1977

80s  Decade :

  • Gonna get along without you now 1980

  • If you could read my mind 1980

  • Up on the roof 1980

  • I can’t stay away from you 1981

  • If you leave me now 1981

  • Stormy weather 1982

  • The more I see you 1982

  • If these walls could speak 1984

  • Both sides now 1985

  • Dare to dream 1985

  • Tune in for lovin’ 1985

  • Hot for you 1986

  • Love transfusion 1986

  • These things happen 1987

  • Reggae high 1987

  • Love pain 1989

  • Don't stop the train 1989

90s  Decade :

  • It’s my pleasure 1992

  • I can see clearly now 1993

  • No news is news 1994

  • A house is not a home 1994

  • Something always there to remind me 1994

2010s  Decade :

  • Chemical attraction 2012


Tracks :

1966...a first title that won't bring her much more than that, but you have to start somewhere, as they say. For her, it's with this title...

1969...time passes and still no take-off in sight. So she has to keep working, hoping that all her efforts will pay off at some point...

1974...we find her 5 years later still at the same stage. She still can't produce THE title that could project her to the forefront of the scene in a significant way...

1977...she hangs on and bides her time as they say. The future will prove to her that she was absolutely right to believe in it... is with this revisited version of Teresa Brewer's title dating from 1952 that she will finally see her dreams come true and finally achieve her first success. And what a success !

1980...once again it is thanks to a revisited version that she will get a new major hit. All on this luxury cover of the title by Gordon Lightfoot dating from 1970...

1980...then it was the Drifters' turn to be brought back into the spotlight thanks to their title dating from 1962. Paradoxically, she had more success with other people's titles than with her own...

1981...a sequel that will prove to be a little more complicated to manage than expected with a rather violent drop in the Charts...

1981...and it's not her revisited version of the Chicago title dating from 1976 that will allow her to resurface unfortunately...'s not this revisited version of one of the flagship titles of the year 1933 that will change anything at this stage... the series of luxury covers, here is now the one of this cult title dating from 1945 and covered thousands of times. Its cover will therefore be one more...

1984...paradoxically we can't say that all these Dance adaptations of old titles are unworthy, far from it. But that's not enough to allow her to get back in the race...'s Joni Mitchell's turn and her 1969 title to be brought up to date in a Dance version. Nice try once again but as for the others it won't bring her much more than that unfortunately...

1985...rare to see her in soft tempo mode but it is indeed the case on this title. A year 1985 which will have allowed her in any case to know the favors of the public again...

1985... which shows that in music you should never give up. Of course, this return to the forefront will be very fleeting, but at least it's something...

1986...after the lack of success does not prevent her from continuing the adventure. And on principle who could prevent her frankly...

1986...especially since everything it continues to offer is far from being devoid of interest. So we might as well enjoy it to the fullest...

1987...we must still remember that she began her career in 1966 and that she has experienced many musical developments over 3 decades...

1987...and each time in any case she knew how to adapt to the latest musical developments of the moment which is not nothing in the end...'s been a long time since she did a luxury cover and she's done it with this revisited version of the title by Yvonne Elliman dating from 1979...

1989...the end of a decade that ends in pure Dance mode once again, a mode that she favored from beginning to end...

1992...and here she is, starting a 4th decade of her career with the firm intention of not giving up as usual. Who could blame her...?

1993...admittedly it's been a long time since she appeared in the Singles charts but it doesn't matter, as long as she enjoys doing what she does she will continue as long as possible...

1994...and it's not the core fans who would complain, far from it. Might as well enjoy their favorite singer for as long as possible...

1994...especially since she continues to deliver titles of obvious interest. A career that continues far from the glitz and glamour but which continues in any case...

1994...come on, a new little luxury cover, just for fun. This time it's Lou Johnson and his 1964 song that's going to be reworked in Dance mode. A song that will be her last...

2012...a posthumous title that will be released almost 18 years later and 3 years after the singer's disappearance. An ultra Dance title that would not have displeased her, that's for sure...


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