Leif Garrett, real name Leif Nervik, is an American singer-songwriter but also an actor. An acting career that he began at the age of 8 in 1969 in the film 'Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice'.
His musical career started in 1977 with the release of his first self-titled album, an album that would give him his first successes, notably with his revisited version of the Beach Boys title "Surfin' USA".
After having signed a first contract at Atlantic Records for the production of his first album, we find him at Scotti Brothers Record the following year in 1978. Label with which he released his new album "Feel the need", an album which will remain as the highest ranked of all his discography. Album which will give him his greatest success on the Singles side with the title "I was made for dancin'".
Album which will produce a second Single of very high caliber "Feel the need" a year later in 1979. A year 1979 which will unfortunately turn to drama at the end of the year when the singer is victim of a serious car accident while he was coming out of a particularly drunken evening. Drunk and drugged that night, his accident will leave a friend of him present in the car paraplegic ...
A drama that will somewhat weigh down his career, at least on the music side because other albums will be released later but none will know the success met by "Feel the need".
A career that will be tainted in the decades that will follow by numerous disputes with the law in relation to his excessive consumption of drugs of all kinds...
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
70s Decade :
Come back when you grow up 1977
Surfin U.S.A. 1977
Runaround Sue 1977
Put your head on my shoulder 1978
The wanderer 1978
I was made for dancin’ 1978
Sheila 1979
Feel the need 1979
When I think of you 1979
Memorize your number 1979
80s Decade :
I was looking for someone to love 1980
You had to go and change on me 1980
New York city nights 1980
Uptown girl 1981
Runaway Rita 1981
2000s Decade :
Love is the drug 2007
I know 2007
Tracks :
1977...a first title to start talking about yourself, at least on the song side. Because on the cinema side, it's already been done for a long time !
1977...it's this revisited version of the cult title of the Beach Boys dating from 1963 that will finally allow him to make a name for himself also on the musical side. A copy which will not equal the original, far from it, but which has the merit of being particularly playful, that's clear !
1977...in the series of covers, here he is revisiting Dion's title dating from 1961. As before, nothing exceptional but a rhythmic version that works pretty well...
1978...for the moment, he is content exclusively with covering the titles of others, the proof once again with this title by Paul Anka dating from 1958. Admittedly, he covers standards that have largely proven their worth, but he will still have to be something new at some point...
1978...Dion seems to inspire him to the highest point since he revisits the singer once again with this title dating from 1961. From the old one brought up to date which still does not show the real possibilities of the young singer. It could be that the next title is finally something new...
1978...we no longer believed in it and here is finally THE title which allows him to show that he can also exist by himself musically speaking. A title that will simply offer him a direct ticket to posterity thanks to a level of planetary success that he would never have imagined reaching. HU-GE !
1979...the novelty effect only lasted for one title. Here he is back in cover mode on a Tommy Roe title dating from 1962, a mode that will not really succeed on this one...
1979... this cover there, on the other hand, will be much more successful for him. It must be said that the style, like the sound, are perfectly trendy, which changes everything. This revisited version of the Detroit Emeralds title dating from 1972 will simply bring him his 2nd biggest success...
1979... he will even attempt the furtive incursion in Intimist mode, moreover on an original title. We could have hoped that it would benefit him but the success in the end will prove to be somewhat disappointing on the Charts side...
1979... suddenly back in Dance mode and especially in boosted mode, a choice which is not necessarily the most judicious. Because rhythm is good but too much rhythm harms more than anything else...
1980... he will attempt the transition to the next decade but the result will not really live up to his expectations. Too bad because it all went pretty well...
1980...and despite an obvious good will, he will never succeed in returning to the race. A career that will therefore take a turn that was not quite as planned...
1980... the production of titles remains substantial anyway. After not sure it will last for years and years, that's for sure...
1981 ... he still manages to land small hits here and there but it is still very limited. It could well be that this year 1981 will be his last in activity on the musical career side...
1981...the last title classified and still in the depths of the Charts. But given the turn of events, it will have to be content...
2007 ... we thought the case was definitely folded with the previous title and here he is back 23 years later, who would have believed it ? Not many people, that's for sure...
2007...a desire to be reborn which undeniably commands respect but which will not allow the trend to be reversed. When it no longer wants, it no longer wants...
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Discography :