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Eve the rebellious...

Kim Carnes is an American singer-songwriter whose particularity is that she knew from the age of 3 that she would be a singer !

Her musical career really started in 1972 when her debut album “Rest on me” was released.

It was not until 1975 that she won her first hit with the title "You’re a part of me" from her second album.

In 1976, it was the album "Sailin" which released the flagship title "Love comes from unexpected places". Relatively successful album.

It was the year 1980 which saw her career take off when she performed in duet with Kenny Rogers the song "Don’t fall in love with a dreamer". It’s a huge success.

And the planetary consecration arrived in 1981 with the album "Mistaken identity", from which one of the most emblematic titles of the 1980s was to be extracted, namely the enormous "Bette Davis eyes". Song that will be the biggest hit of the year worldwide ! Rewards are raining.

The album will also produce a second hit "Draw of the cards".

Four years will pass before she finds its way to success in 1985 thanks to the title "Crazy in the night" extracted from the album "Barking at airplaines".

She achieved a last major success in 1988 with the Single "Crazy in love" from the album "View from the house".

Which will not prevent her from continuing the adventure afterwards even if it will be a little more on the sidelines of the lights of glory and fame.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others ...) :

70s Decade :

  • To love somebody 1971

  • You're a part of me 1975

  • Bad seed 1976

  • Sailin 1977

  • Lose in love 1979

  • It hurts so bad 1979

80s Decade :

  • Don’t fall in love with a dreamer 1980

  • More love 1980

  • Bette Davis eyes 1981

  • Draw of the cards 1981

  • Mistaken identity 1981

  • Voyeur 1982

  • Does it make you remember 1982

  • Say you don't kown me 1983

  • Invisible hands 1983

  • You make my heart beat faster 1984

  • I pretend 1984

  • What about me 1984

  • Make no mistake, he's mine 1984

  • Invitation to dance 1985

  • Crazy in the night 1985

  • Abadabadango 1985

  • Divided hearts 1986

  • Crazy in love 1988

  • Just to spend tonight with you 1988

90s Decade :

  • Everybody needs someone 1990

  • Hooked on the memory of you 1992

  • Gypsy honeymoon 1993

  • Don't cry now 1993

2000s Decade :

  • One beat at a time 2004

  • Just to see you smile 2004

2010s Decade :

  • Under my thumb 2015


Tracks :

1971 ... nice beginnings certainly but which do not let in anything envisage the enormous continuation which is profiled on the horizon. At this point, there is still some work for the pretty Kim ...

1975 ... four years have passed and we find her in duo mode of shock and charm. A duo that works pretty well and that already suggests this unique timbre of voice that will become its business. It's better as they say ...

1976 ... there is better, for sure. The style is refined, as is the sound. You just have to give her a little more time ...

1977 ... once again sympathetic but which is still fairly average. Well, it's clear, it won't be this time yet ...

1979 ... there, on the other hand, we immediately see the difference in terms of inspiration. And paradoxically, this sumptuous title will not even be classified. But young Kim has passed a level, it's clear. Finally !

1979 ... the hoarse voice begins to work wonders, it is now perfectly visible, and above all audible. Everything is ready for the switch to the next decade. A decade that will change everything !

1980 ... the title and especially the duo of hell which will reveal her. Her voice has not yet completely 'changed' at the start of the decade, but that will not be long. And we know the effects that this will have on the rest of her career ...

1980 ... between 2 eras. After a long line of ballads that punctuated her early career, she is finally moving towards a sound that sticks more to the standards of the moment. A most beneficial development ...

1981 ... then comes THIS title. A huge title that will raise her One Shot to the rank of planetary star. And who will make her unique voice her main trademark, an almost unique feature of its kind. Except maybe with a certain Bonnie Tyler. Anyway, she is simply signing here one of the biggest Dance hits of the decade and of this end of the XXth century. MAS-TER-FUL !

1981 ... a decidedly exceptional year in 1981 that saw her come out top on top hit. Admittedly, this one will not have the same incredible level of success as its predecessor but the dynamics of success is indeed in place and that is the essential !

1981 ... a sumptuous year that ends in style with this pretty Intimist title. Certainly, it will be the least prestigious of the 3 hits but confirms the more than obvious talent of the singer

1982 ... back to pure and hard Dance. An area which suits her particularly well because it is there that she records her most significant successes. Must persevere !

1982 ... it needed an Ultimate Slow worthy of the name to enhance her repertoire. It is now done. Admittedly, this title will have enriched her discography but not her finances given the fairly low level of success in the Charts of the title. And yet, it is not without quality, it is clear !

1983 ... a title which will pass completely under the radars and which however is far from demerit. After 3 totally euphoric years, the year 1983 will seem somewhat pale, it's clear ...

1983 ... the bellows falls somewhat, it is clear. She clings however and continues to stick to her time but the level of inspiration is lower, and necessarily, she pays cash in the Charts. Pity !

1984 ... we really went up a gear on the tempo side. Attention, pretty Kim mixing speed and precipitation is not necessarily synonymous with success. The proof with a title which will know only a success all relative ...

1984 ... back to reason. It was time because the machine had packed up in unreasonable proportions. At least everything is under control. And it pays !

1984... when you have Kenny Rogers and James Ingram as partners, you suspect that the title you are going to produce will not go unnoticed. And that's for sure, it won't go unnoticed !

1984...and now she shares the poster with Barbra. Definitely, on the partnership side, she has set the bar very, very high, to say the least...

1985 ... after two years of floating, the singer finally finds the path to success. Again thanks to Dance. Dance well mastered and above all, well done !

1985 ... a BIG year 1985 which saw her come back in force on the front of the stage. It will unfortunately be her last year at the top. Because the rest will prove to be much less in her favor ...

1985 ... a beautiful year confirmed by this rhythmic title, which works my faith very well and which shows that we must always count on her !

1986 ... she continues on her way without asking too many questions. Admittedly, it has been a long time since she has reached the summit of the Charts but whatever, the main thing is to participate as they say

1988 ... a magnificent ballad as a stand-off. She signs here a sumptuous title which will be her last notorious hit, closing a decade which will have seen her explode and reach the heights of glory ...

1988 ... even she it is no longer part of the Elite, what she continues to offer is far from being ridiculous. We will be largely satisfied with it as they say ...

1990 ... a change of decade which will be particularly difficult to manage. The singer will not be able to adapt to new trends. Even if, from time to time, she'll release pretty titles like this...

1992...she tries the duet of shock and charm on this title, hoping that it can bring her back to the front of the stage. A waste of time unfortunately...

1993 ... her only success of the decade. And again, the 'little' hit as they say. It is really time that the adventure ends because the beautiful Kim is not really there anymore ...

1993 ... and yet she is still capable of surprising us. The proof with this pretty ballad that literally floats in the air. Unfortunately, it is too late to hope to reverse the trend, the public has already gone elsewhere for a long time ...

2004... which will not prevent her from returning 11 years later. A return that will go unnoticed to say the least but not without interest, that's clear...'s the basic fans who are delighted to see her come back again and again. And who necessarily asks for more... 11 years air hole and here she is again. Bringing up to date the title of the Rolling Stones dating from 1966 is a damn daring bet and on this one, a lost bet unfortunately...


Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime...


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