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Egocentric songs...

Alice, real name Carla Bissi, is an Italian singer-songwriter who began her artistic career by winning the 1971 Castrocaro Festival at the age of 17. Followed a year later by the Godonla d'Argento in Venice. Two prestigious awards which made her one of the revelations of the moment and which above all opened the doors to the most prestigious of Italian festivals, namely Sanremo in 1972.

This time, she won't win the first prize, but it will at least have allowed her to launch her career for good. With the result the production of two titles titles "Il moi cuore se ne va" and "La festa mia" the same year and "Il giorno dopo" in 1973. Three titles with the most mixed success and which unfortunately will not confirm the 'excellent start to the young girl's career ...

Change of name two years later in 1975 and here she is again this time as Alice Visconti. A year 1975 which also sees her signing with the CBS Records label, label which allows her to release her first album "La mia poca grande eta". Album which will mainly produce the Singles "Piccola anima" and "Io voglio vivere", Singles which, once again, will not allow to take off her career for good.

Ditto for the album "Cosa resta...un fiore" which came out in 1977 and whose two extracts "... E respiro" and "Un’isola" will not do better than their predecessors.

It was the providential meeting in 1979 with Franco Battiato, a whimsical composer and singer, that would change everything. Their collaboration produced a first track "Il vento caldo dell’estate" a year later in 1980, a Single which was released under the artist name Alice and which was to give the singer her first major success. Title taken from the album "Capo nord" which was released the same year and which was also going to be popular with the public.

Comforted by this unexpected success, she decided to retry the Sanremo adventure in 1981, this time with the title "Per Elisa", a title taken from her new album "Alice". A return that will not go unnoticed, just like the singer, all thanks to the quality of her vocal performance but also by her particularly sexy look. So much so that this time around, she will win the competition, a victory that will boost the title considerably on the Old Continent.

New albums "Azimut" in 1982 and "Falsi allarmi" in 1983. Two new albums which will allow her to obtain several notorious successes on the Singles side with the titles "Messagio", "A cosa pensano" and "Egocentric chan-son" in 1982 to start. Then "Notte a Roma", "Solo un'idea" and "Il profumo del silenzio" in 1983. A year 1983 which also sees her recording the title "Zu nah am feuer" in duet with the German singer Stefan Waggershausen, single which will be a real hit in the entire Germanic sphere.

Crowned with this notorious success, she will attempt the Eurovision Song Contest the following year in 1984 with the title "I treni di Tozeur". Unfortunately, she will only finish 5th in the competition but will console herself quickly with the sales scores of the Single thereafter which are impressive to say the least.

The year 1985 saw the release of the album "Gioielli rubati", an original album, to say the least, as it mixed classical music, synthesizers and drum machines. An originality which will make its effect and allow the title "Prospettiva Nevski" to be a real hit across Europe. Followed by a few "Summer on a solitary beach", "Il Re del mondo" and "Luna indiana", three titles which also will not go unnoticed.

New album "Park hotel" in 1986, album with considerable success throughout the Old Continent and which will produce four very large-caliber Singles which are "Nomadi", "Il senso dei desideri", "Viali di solitudine" and "Volo di notte ”. The singer is then at the height of her art and unrolls with the most impressive ease.

The rest will be a little less prosperous with an album of covers "Elisir" in 1987 and an astonishing album "Mélodie passagère" in 1988, album where she sings classic tunes by Fauré, Satie and Ravel.

Back to pure and hard pop in 1989 with the release of the album "Il sole nella pioggia", an album from which the titles "Visioni", "Il sole nella pioggia", "Tempo senza tempo" as well as "Le ragaze di Osaka" will be extracted. Album produced in collaboration with big names in English music such as Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri from the group Japan. It will have a certain success but without being able to match the enormous success of "Park hotel".

Three years will separate this album from the next album "Mezzogiorno sulle Alpi", an album which was released in 1992 and which, despite positive reviews, achieved only a fairly limited level of success. Album which will mainly produce the Single “In viaggio sul tuo viso”.

At the rate of an album every 3 years, it is the turn of the album "Charade" to be released in 1995. Then it will be the turn of "Exit" to be released in 1998. Two albums of more than certain quality but who see the singer retrograde in the world hierarchy in an irreversible way.

Other albums would be released later, but the singer would never regain the level of success achieved during the 1980s and gradually disappear from the radar.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others ...) :

70s  Decade :

  • Il mio cuore se ne va (Carla Bissi) 1972

  • La festa mia (Carla Bissi) 1972

  • Il giorno dopo (Carla Bissi) 1973

  • Io Voglio vivere (Alice Visconti) 1975

  • Piccola anima (Alice Visconti) 1975

  • …E respiro 1978 (Alice Visconti) 1978

  • Un’isola (Alice Visconti) 1978

80s  Decade :

  • Il vento caldo dell’Estate 1980

  • Per Elisa 1981

  • Una notte speciale 1981

  • Messagio 1982

  • Chan-son égocentrique 1982

  • A cosa pensano 1982

  • Solo un idea 1983

  • Carthago 1983

  • Il profumo del silenzio 1983

  • Notte a Roma 1983

  • Zu nah am feuer 1983

  • I treni di Tozeur 1984

  • Prospettiva Nevski 1985

  • Summer on a solitary beach 1985

  • Il Re del mondo 1985

  • Luna indiana 1985

  • Nomadi 1986

  • Il senso dei desideri 1986

  • Viali di solitudine 1986

  • Volo di notte 1986

  • The fool on the hill 1987

  • Visioni 1989

  • Il sole nella pioggia 1989

  • Tempo senza tempo 1989

  • Le ragazze di Osaka 1989

  • L'era del mitto 1989

90s  Decade :

  • In viaggio sul uo viso 1992

  • Passano gli anni 1992

  • Lungo ritorno a casa 1992

  • Dammi la mano amore 1995

  • In piedu su specchio 1995

  • Non ero mai sola 1995

  • I am a taxi 1998

  • Open your eyes 1998

  • Dimmi di si 1998

  • Il vento soltanto 1998

  • L’ombra della luce 1999

2000s  Decade :

  • Il giorno dell’indipendenza 2000

  • Come un sigillo 2003

  • Ecco i negozi 2003

2010s  Decade :

  • Eri con me 2012

  • Cambio casa 2012


Tracks :

1972 ... after showing a more than obvious potential at several prestigious festivals, the young Carla finally launches into the deep end. With a result to say the least disappointing considering its level ...

1972 ... a second title that will not do better than the previous one. An adventure which had started in the best possible way but which takes a turn which was not really that expected or at least hoped for ...

1973 ... having potential is good, but inspiration also matters a lot, as does style. Apparently, one of the ingredients is missing so that young Carla can finally really take off ...

1975 ... we find her 2 years later under the name of Alice Visconti. A change of name that will not change the situation concerning her unfortunately. At least for now ...

1975 ... and yet, there is really talent in this singer. There will therefore necessarily be a moment when the wheel will turn, it is mandatory ...

1978 ... decidedly, things are really struggling to fall into place. After a most promising start, she still does not manage to establish herself as one of the future Grandes of Italian song. So let's be patient a little longer ...

1978 ... it will not be for this decade, it is clear. Despite titles of certain quality, it still does not manage to break through. We will therefore have to wait for the next decade to hope to see the miracle happen ...

1980 ... it is THIS title which will finally allow her to pass from the shadows to the light. It took her nearly 10 years to get there but now that the level has passed, she will finally be able to show what she is really capable of !

1981 ... she had tried the Sanremo in 1972 with a somewhat disappointing result. She comes back pumped up and intends to win it this time. A daring bet but a winning bet !

1981 ... in just 2 titles she will have totally turned the tide and will be imposed as one of the biggest revelations of the moment. And that's just the beginning...

1982 ... after playing supporting roles for nearly 10 years, she intends to make up for lost time. To her now the glory and the honors ...

1982 ... everything is now together, both sound and style, so that the singer can show the whole world what she is capable of. All she has to do is unroll ...

1982 ... the beginning of the 1980s to gain momentum and the end of the decade to win at the highest level. This is the timing that awaits her for the years to come ...

1983 ... year after year, title after title, she stands out as one of the future very Great. All thanks to a talent that more and more bursts onto the screen ...

1983 ... of course, no major title for the moment but we must leave time to time. And given what is to come in the years to come, no need to worry about her ...

1983 ... each new title pulls her a little higher and inexorably. Who would doubt for a single moment that the consecration, the true one, will not be there in a few years ...

1983 ... especially that she will very quickly display extraordinary aptitudes as much in the fast tempos as in the softer tempos. The proof with this title full of finesse and lightness that literally floats in the air !

1983 ... this unexpected duo to say the least will open the doors of the whole of Europe to her. Especially in the Germanic sphere and Scandinavian countries. Let's go for the big take off !

1984 ... the magical duo will even try the Eurovision adventure in 1984. Despite the meeting of their respective talents, they will only finish 5th. On the other hand, the title will be a hit across Europe and will undoubtedly remain as one of their most emblematic titles ...

1985 ... where the art of mixing Classical and modern music. A subtle mix that works perfectly and will make this title one of her biggest hits. HU-GE !

1985 ... with her 2 huge consecutive successes, the singer becomes de facto one of the biggest stars of the moment in Italy. But also throughout Europe ...

1985 ... each album that comes out allows her to climb a new step towards the stars. The consecration, the real one, is approaching quickly ...

1985 ... a nice title all in finesse outside all the standards of the moment but which at least has the merit of showing another facet of the singer. We take, we take !

1986 ... and the consecration, the real one, she will obtain during this year 1986. Starting with this title which launches in the best way possible a year which will prove to be exceptional for the singer ...

1986 ... the singer is at the height of her art and her musical maturity. We see the result, or rather we hear it !

1986 ... it is to an impressive series of Intimist titles of very big caliber which one attends during this year 1986. The singer is on her small cloud and us with. MA-GIC !

1986 ... a full year with slow tempo and a little faster tempo and above all quality on all levels. A year of consecration which is only the fair reward of a talent really above the average !

1987 ... extremely rare to see her sing in English and yet she can do it. The proof on this title all in lightness which once again literally floats in the air ...

1989 ... after reaching the top of the mountain, there is no choice but to come back down. This is what the singer will have to do in the years that will unfortunately follow ...

1989 ... an end of the decade which saw her navigate mainly in the Intimist register. With the key a succession of pretty titles but which, paradoxically, will not be able to stop its slow, but especially irreversible demotion in the planetary musical hierarchy...

1989 ... we continue in the 'emotional' register with this new title. Really, she doesn't seem at all to decide to get out of it at first sight. Rightly or wrongly, that's something else ...

1989 ... for now, given the quality of what she continues to produce, we are asking for more. Afterwards, given the new trends that are emerging for the years to come, not sure that titles with finesse are the best possible option ...

1989 ... the tempo finally accelerates and allows her to deliver a particularly inspired track to end this 80s decade in style. A decade of the 1980s which saw her reach the stars, it remains to be seen what the following decade has in store for her ...

1992 ... she seems to have taken the measure of the new trends of the moment. Unfortunately, despite all her efforts and goodwill, her efforts will not really be rewarded with their merits ...

1992 ... here she is again in the register of 'emotions'. And once again, the result is up to the task, but once again she takes the risk of being on the sidelines of the Dance wave that is sweeping the whole planet ...

1992 ... whatever the results in the Charts, the singer continues on the same path and even her career outside the dictas of the star system. A daring bet to say the least ...

1995 ... here she is again 3 years later in the same register. She absolutely does not intend to get out for the moment and continues quietly without asking too many questions ...

1995 ... she will nevertheless try several times to get back on track but the delay with the leading pack is now almost impossible to fill. It remains to be seen whether a miracle is not yet possible to reverse the trend ...

1995 ... the efforts to better stick to the latest trends are obvious. But she took too long to react and she is paying a high price today ...

1998 ... a trendy sound, just like the style, the new Alice is back in this year 1998. We could have hoped for a miracle, it will unfortunately not take place ...

1998 ... she even gets closer to the younger generation, hoping to be able to recover a second youth. But even at this level, the result will be somewhat disappointing ...

1998 ... it really did not miss much so that she can get back to the leading pack. This end of the 90s sees her in an obvious form and the Singles produced are strongly affected. All good !

1998 ... we suspected that with such a talent she was not going to endure the course of events indefinitely. The machine started again with a vengeance and it's nice to see, especially to hear !

1999 ... an end of the 90s which ended in the best possible way with this sumptuous title. A decade of 90 which saw her wake up in a spectacular fashion to our greatest pleasure. Hope it lasts !

2000 ... she will have gone through the 1970s, then the 1980s, then the 1990s and here she is entering the 2000s with a renewed appetite. We are therefore impatiently awaiting to know what she will offer us in the years to come ...

2003 ... unfortunately, the level of inspiration weakens somewhat in this new decade. Good work, certainly, but a cut below what she served us during the previous decade ...

2003 ... too bad, because things had frankly progressed well during the previous decade and we had every reason to hope for a comeback. Return which will unfortunately not take place ...

2012 ... which does not prevent her from continuing her adventure for whatever reason, decade after decade. Here she has arrived at the start of the 2000s, 50 years after its beginnings. A longevity to say the least exceptional, longevity that is only found with the greatest of course ...

2012 ... with her, nothing is ever finished and who knows what she has in store for the years to come, even the decades to come. At this stage unfortunately, only the Gods are in the confidence ...


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