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Birth of a nation...

Laibach is a Slovenian group (originally Yugoslavian) formed in 1980 in Trbovlje, a group whose name refers to the old German name of the capital of Slovenia Ljubljana. Name given to the city when Slovenia was part of the Habsburg Monarchy and then also used during the Second World War by the Nazis. Group originally composed of Dejan Knez, Srečko Bajda, Andrej Lupinc and Bine Zerko.

The group will be noticed from its beginnings by its parodies and diversions of iconographic images linked to totalitarianism, nationalism but also to militarism. What will prevent them from occurring initially in Yugoslavia…

It was while touring abroad that they began to make a name for themselves and they released their first Single "Boji" in 1984. Then a first self-titled album a year later in 1985.

Other albums will come out during the 80s like "Nova akropola" in 1986, "Opus Dei" in 1987, "Let it be" in 1988 and "Sympathy for the devil" in 1989. Albums that will be talked about mainly by the controversies that they will arouse in particular at the level of the symbols used on the covers or during the concerts of the group...

A semblance of recognition arrived from the 90s with the albums "Kapital" in 1992, "Nato" in 1994 and "Jesus Christ Superstar" in 1996.

Other albums will be released later but will only know a relative level of success...

To discover or rediscover.

Discography (among others…) :

  • Boji 1984

  • Sila 1984

  • Brat moj 1984

  • Panorama 1984

  • Die liebe 1985

  • Geburt einer nation 1987

  • Life is life 1987

  • Sympathy for the devil 1988

  • Accross the universe 1988

  • Hymn to the black sun 1992

  • Wirtschaft ist tot 1992

  • Entartete welt 1992

  • War 1994

  • Final countdown 1994

  • In the army now 1995

  • God is god 1996

  • Jesus Christ superstar 1996

  • The cross 1996

  • Du bist unser 2003

  • Tanz mit Laibach 2004

  • Das spiel ist aus 2004

  • Anglia 2006

  • Francia 2006

  • Espana 2006

  • Contrapunctus 2 2008

  • Contrapunctus 7 2008

  • Contrapunctus 10 2008

  • Take me to heaven 2013

  • The whistleblowers 2014

  • No history 2014

  • We are millions and millions are one 2014

  • Resistance is futile 2014

  • Vor sonnen aufgang 2017

  • The sound of music 2018

  • Climb ev'ry mountain 2018

  • The lonely Goatherd 2018

  • My favourite things 2018

  • We will go to Mount Paektu 2019

  • Boji 2020

  • Drzava 2020

  • Brat moj 2020

  • Medea material 2022

  • Traumwald 2022

  • Lepo - Krasno 2023

  • Love is still alive I 2023

  • Love is still alive V 2023

  • O, triglav, moj dom 2023

  • The engine of survival 2023

  • Wirtschaft ist tot 2023


Clips :

1984...some beginnings to the limit of the inaudible. It is clear that it is not with this kind of sound that this nascent group is likely to attract crowds... noticeable improvement on this new title. It is clear that this year 1984 will hardly allow them to explode at the highest level...

1984... a more than obvious bias for the murky and the obscure. Afterwards they must know that there is necessarily a price to pay in these cases...

1984...a group with the excess typical of this 80s decade. A decade where all styles and all sounds will coexist more or less harmoniously. More or less...

1985...we can't say that things are improving. The group pushes its delirium to the maximum to the detriment of almost everything else...'s a little better but we're not going to get carried away far from it. The sound is a little more in line with the musical standards of the moment, which is not really the case with the style...

1987... here they are revisiting the flagship title of the Opus group dating from 1985, a revisited version which at least has the merit of originality. Because the rest is something else...

1988...they decided not to do anything like the others and to chart their own course. It starts from a good feeling but too much excess kills excess...

1988...the art of going from one extreme to another. Between the previous title and this one there is definitely an ocean, what am I saying a galaxy...

1992...will this new decade of the 90s be the decade of redemption or will they continue on the same line as before ? Good question... terms of sound it's a little better but we can't say that the style is normal. We won't change them at first sight...

1992...a group completely apart and which intends to remain so at first sight. But as for the previous decade there is a price to pay in these cases...

1994... which doesn't seem to bother them anyway. They decided to cross the limit from their beginnings and they absolutely do not intend to change their strategy for the moment...

1994... new luxury cover this time of the title of the Europe group dating from 1986. Once again we can't say that their revisited version lacks originality that's clear...

1995...and what about this revisited version of Bolland & Bolland's flagship title from 1982. It's really hard to recognize the original...

1996... it is clear that this is the kind of music reserved exclusively for an audience of insiders. Not tomorrow the day before that the general public is interested in it...

1996... after so long as they take pleasure in doing what they do that could prevent them. Everyone needs it as they say...

1996... what is also certain is that they are still there which shows that there is a base of fans who follow them. Hence the fact of continuing the adventure always and again...

2003...they begin this new decade here with the firm intention of not letting go as before. It remains to be seen what they intend to offer during this new decade...

2004...still the same style and the same sound at first sight. The years go by, just like the decades, but they don't change one iota...

2004...we can't say that they haven't evolved a little since their beginnings but the difference is minimal all the same...

2006...the 'provocation' mode is a mode like any other but with them you never know where the limits are and even if there are any...

2006...what messages do they intend to convey through their music, what are their real motivations ? There really is something to ask...

2006... afterwards they are part of the contemporary musical world and just for this reason we must also take an interest in them. At least until the unacceptable is reached...

2008...surprisingly some opuses will be mainly instrumental in addition in a style and a sound radically different from what they usually do...

2008...a group that constantly mixes paradoxes and delights in them to the highest degree. A taste for provocation pushed to its climax...

2008... when they started in 1985 one could have imagined that the group was going to pass like a shooting star in the contemporary musical landscape. It was bad knowing them...

2013...because they are still there and surely do not intend to stop there. Here they are even illustrating the soundtrack of the film 'Iron Sky', a film it must be said in their image...

2014...from time to time they make efforts to 'normalize' themselves but it usually doesn't last. We can therefore imagine that the sequel may surprise us once again...

2014...thing promised thing due ! A title with certain darkness once again but fortunately counterbalanced by a female voice which fortunately comes to soften the gloomy side a little...

2014...a feminine influence that feels good but does not completely manage to annihilate the 'wacky' side as it is so powerful and underlying...'s clear that this is the kind of band you either love or hate. It all depends on his personal state of mind and above all on his openness...

2017...once again it's a big departure from what they offered previously. How can you go from one extreme to the other at this speed ? Good question... extraordinary group that will remain so from start to finish. With necessarily limited influence given their musical positioning...

2018...and yet they had what it took to make things more acceptable to ordinary mortals. Really unfortunate...

2018...they will have pushed their delirium to the end and no matter the consequences. A UFO group that will never question himself...

2018...we also had a hard time understanding their real motivations for playing and mixing sometimes very borderline symbols...

2019...despite all their paradoxes they will still have managed to continue the adventure year after year, decade after decade...

2020...we don't last when we don't have a minimum of talent. Certainly theirs is very particular but it is indeed present...

2020...because if this were not the case they would have disappeared a long time ago. And precisely where a good number of groups that started at the same time as them have disappeared, they are still there...

2020...we never imagined that the clips that would accompany their music would not be of the same ilk. Once again proof...

2022... once again the splits but with them it's a habit now. Making this kind of opus is also a form of provocation for them, just different from the others...

2022... it must also be said that certain photos and images used either in the clips or on the album covers are quite confusing. Even questioning...

2023... in the end a group of which we don't know what to think but which will have a more than substantial discography to its credit. Everyone will have an opinion about it... least those who have agreed to take a minimum interest in them. Because it is clear that this group will not remain as the best known of its generation...

2023...on the other hand, on the provocation side, we have rarely pushed the envelope this far. Anyway, they still exist...

2023...we would like the group to show us another face of himself during this new decade 2020 but there is little, even very little hope...




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Discography :

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