The Ocean Blue is an American band formed in 1986 in Hershey and originally composed of David Schelzel, Steve Lau, Bobby Mittan and Rob Minning.
It will take the group 3 years and 1989 to see their first Single "Between something and nothing" released, but for a first Single, it is a real success as they say. The Single is a hit and shattering the career of the group. Single which will be taken from the album "The ocean blue" which was released the same year.
New success a year later in 1990 with the Single "Drifting falling" still taken from the same album.
Success confirmed and amplified in 1991 with the release of the album "Cerulean", album which will remain as the best opus of the group and from which will be extracted 3 top hits which are "Ballerina out of control", "Cerulean" in 1991 and "Mercury" in 1992.
New album "Beneath the rhythm & sound" in 1993, album with notorious success also even if slightly less. Album from which the top hit “Sublime” will be extracted.
Top hit which will already be the last. The group will release other titles thereafter but the level of success encountered will decrease irreparably from year to year .
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
80s Decade :
Between something and nothing 1989
90s Decade :
Vanity fair 1990
Drifting, falling 1990
Ballerina out of control 1991
Cerulean 1991
Mercury 1992
Sublime 1993
Don’t believe everything you ear 1993
Peace of mind 1994
Whenever you're around 1996
Slide 1997
Ayn 1999
Denmark 1999
Been down a lot lately 1999
Bottle yours 1999
2010s Decade :
Sad night, where is morning ? 2013
Blow my mind 2013
Ground gives way 2013
Touch down on earth 2013
Can't let go 2014
Pedestrian 2014
Golden girl 2014
Kings and queens 2019
Love doesn't make it easy on us 2019
All the way blue 2019
Paraguay, my love 2019
Therein lies the problem with my life 2019
Tracks :
1989 ... first title and already, first success. A group with particularly early maturity and above all with obvious talent !
1990 ... a quality sequel but which will struggle to achieve the same success as the previous title. Nothing to worry about when you see what is looming on the horizon ...
1990 ... an astonishing style for a band from from the USA. Usually, we found this sound rather across the Channel. In any case, it works !
1991 ... the group already achieved consecration with this title. In just a few years, the group has become one of the sure values of the moment and does not intend to stop there, that's clear. HU-GE !
1991 ... a discography which will not remain as the most bloated of the decade but of more than certain quality. Each title released is a real success !
1992 ... a single-title year, but with them, that doesn't mean a lack of inspiration. It just means that they take their time ...
1993 ... new top hit. The group obtains here its direct ticket for posterity thanks to a constant talent and especially an inspiration at the height !
1993 ... then, the unscrewing. Incredible reversal of the situation which sees the group completely disappear from the Charts. But what happened...??
1994 ... and yet, the group does not demerit, far from it. How can the tastes of the public change so much and especially so quickly ? Good question...
1996 ... the group continues on its way without worrying about the result, or at least the lack of results in the Charts. A desire to move forward that we can only salute !
1997 ... unfortunately, at some point, you have to realize that there is no point in continuing under these conditions. This title will be the last of the decade and will seal almost definitively the fate of this group with the most respectable course !
1999...certainly the group will decline somewhat in the Charts but that will in no way prevent them from continuing the adventure and it's a good thing...
1999...because it is obvious that they still have things to offer and especially things to sing. Not to mention a qualitative level which manages to be maintained in an impressive way to say the least...
1999...it would therefore have been a shame if the group did not continue the adventure a little more. And this to the delight of their core fans...
1999...core fans who rejoice to the utmost as soon as a new opus is released. And it is clear that they will enjoy themselves for a few more years...
2013...then a big air hole of almost 14 years, which is not nothing. We thought we wouldn't see them again but it was really bad knowing them...
2013...it took them a while to come back but it was out of the question for them to throw in the towel. And they come back once again with titles of certain quality...
2013...the core fans expected no less and are once again over the moon to see their favorite group return...
2013...it is certain that given the potential of the group it would have been a shame if they did not go further in the adventure, that is clear...
2014...because the group has lost none of its talent despite the weight of the years and decades. The only thing we can possibly blame them for is not reinventing themselves enough as they should...
2014...it is true that their style and sound have evolved little since their beginnings and that is what has somewhat hampered their career...
2014...in any case, whether there is success or not, this in no way affects their desire to believe in it again and again. An iron will that we can only salute...
2019...they will have been absent throughout the 2000 decade which will not have been the case for the 2010 decade. Three albums on the clock, what could be better...?
2019...really a shame that their prolonged absence in the 2000s kept them so far away from the public...
2019...because they really deserved to get back into the race. Especially since other groups from their era have also returned and they are much more visible...
2019...afterwards in music everything remains possible and a return to grace cannot be ruled out. It now remains to be seen whether the next decade will be the right one at precisely this level...
2019...we can't believe for a single second that we won't see them again next decade. We are therefore impatiently awaiting their return...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :