Marty Balin, whose real name is Martyn Buchwald, was an American singer-songwriter best known for having been a leading member of Jefferson Airplane and later of the Jefferson Starship.
His artistic career began in 1962, when he signed with the Challenge Records label. Label which allows him to release two first Singles which are “Nobody but you” and “You are the one”. Two titles that will go somewhat unnoticed ...
Two years later we find him in 1964 in a group called The Town Criers, a fleeting adventure that will last only a year and that will not lead to anything concrete.
It will take another year and 1965 to finally see his career take off for good. A takeoff he owes to the new group he has just formed, which bears the name of Jefferson Airplane. Group which will know its hour of glory between 1965 and 1972.
He was later found in a new group called Jefferson Starship from 1974, a group which is in fact an offshoot of Jefferson Airplane. This time the adventure will last 10 years and produce several very high caliber titles.
His solo career began in 1981, when he released his first album simply called "Balin". Album which will produce two Singles which are "Atlanta lady (Something about your love)" but also, and above all, "Hearts". Single which will bring him the solo consecration and which remains to this day the biggest success of his - short - solo career.
He released a new album “Lucky” in 1983, an album that mainly produced the Singles “What love is” and “Do it for love”. Two Singles with modest success.
Other albums will be released later but will go somewhat unnoticed.
The adventure will end for good on September 27, 2018, the date of the artist's death at the age of 76.
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
60s Decade :
I specialize in love 1962
You are the one 1962
Nobody but you 1962
80s Decade :
You left your mark on me 1981
Hearts 1981
Atlanta lady 1981
Lydia ! 1981
There's no shoulder 1983
What love is 1983
Do it for love 1983
90s Decade :
Better generation 1991
Treadin' water 1991
2000s Decade :
City lights 2005
2010s Decade :
Blue Highway 2010
Related link adventure Jefferson Starship :
Tracks :
1962 ... the very beginnings, long before the adventures of Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship. Impossible to imagine at this stage what awaits this young singer in the years which will follow ...
1962 ... what is certain is that the potential is obvious and this whatever the tempo, in the fast as in the slowest. Rather a good omen for the rest of the events ...
1962 ... a first part of a career rich in titles but lacking in success. Regardless, it will at least have allowed the artist to do his classes as they say ...
1981 ... 19 years will separate this title from his last solo title and the least we can say is that we are no longer dealing with the same singer. Another era requires ...
1981 ... a total metamorphosis which will allow the artist to know the ultimate consecration with this title. He signs here quite simply one of the most striking titles of the decade and at the same time offers himself a direct ticket to posterity, this time in solo. MAS-TER-FUL !
1981 ... a year 1981 which will remain as his best vintage solo career. Even if this title will not have the same level of success as its predecessor, it still allows the artist to add a new star to his already very well supplied prize list ...
1981 ... a B side which will go somewhat unnoticed but which largely holds up. A large number of B-sides will have gone unnoticed during this decade when they would have frankly deserved a much better fate ...
1983 ... after a year 1981 copiously supplied, the singer disappears from the radar during the year 1982. It is better to come back the following year by starting with a title which is once again largely the road ...
1983 ... new success on this title. Admittedly, a level of success which has nothing to do with that which he will have known during the year 1981 but largely sufficient to keep him in contact with the best ...
1983 ... a great adventure which will darken somewhat after this title. Here he obtains his last major success and is about to begin a last part of his career that is much less prestigious ...
1991 ... a big air hole of 8 years and a return to a form that we will qualify as average in this new decade of the 90s. Not sure that this late return is the most inspired. Both literally and figuratively ...
1991 ... the level of inspiration has nothing to do with that of the early 80s, it is clear. With the key to the outright disappearance of radars on the Charts side ...
2005 ... a career which becomes more and more chaotic and especially more irregular. This time, it's 14 years that will separate this title from the previous title. Mass has been said for a long time concerning him, we are not going to hide our face ...
2010 ... one of his very last achievements. The end of an exceptional adventure which saw this artist know all the honors, both in group and solo. What a career !
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :