The Railway Children is an English group formed in Wigan in 1984 and originally made up of Gary Newby, Brian Bateman, Guy Keegan and Stephan Hull.
Group that released a first Single "A gentle sound" in 1986 thanks to the Factory Records label, a title that will not go unnoticed, at least in the independent Charts...
The first album "Reunion wilderness" was released a year later in 1987, which would mainly produce the Single "Brighter".
It was the album "Recurrence" which was released the following year in 1988 which gave them their first title classified in the so-called Popular Charts with the Single "In the meantime".
But it is especially the album "Native place" which will bring them in 1990 a semblance of consecration since it will remain as the best ranked of all. And will also produce what will remain as the biggest Single of their entire discography, namely "Every beat of the heart".
Other titles will be released later but none will be able to compete with the titles released previously...
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others…) :
A gentle sound 1986
Brighter 1987
In the meantime 1988
Somewhere south 1988
Over and over 1988
Every beat of the heart 1990
Music stop 1990
So right 1990
Something so good 1991
What tomorrow brings 1997
Dream arcade 1997
These things she does 1997
Skinship 2001
Clips :
1986...a fine title to launch a career in the best possible way with a first classified title from the start of the adventure...
1987...which will undoubtedly remain as one of their most emblematic titles. From the 2nd title the group leaves its mark and shows de facto that he is surely not there by chance...
1988...a certain potential just waiting to be expressed. With inspired titles that make this group one of the safe bets of the end of the 80s...
1988...that doesn't prevent them from having certain titles that pass 'through' like this one, but that in no way detracts from their excellent career to date...
1988... ditto for this one. Nothing to worry about anyway because it could be that the beginning of the 90s has a potential nice surprise in store for them...
1990...and the nice surprise, here it is ! The group will quite simply win here the biggest success of all his discography and at the same time offer himself a direct ticket for posterity. HU-GE !
1990...a 1990 which will undoubtedly remain as the best Vintage of the group. Even if this title will not be able to match the level of success of the previous one, it will still get away with it in a very honorable way...
1990...everything smiled on them at the start of the decade in an impressive way to say the least. Hope it lasts as they say...
1991...unfortunately things don't go as well as planned. The year 1991 will be a single title year and will offer them above all their last success, and yes already...
1997... we will lose sight of them for almost 6 years but they will still try to come back. It starts from a good feeling but they won't be able to get back in the race unfortunately...
1997...and yet this new opus is far from devoid of interest, that's clear. But good will is not always enough to overturn mountains...
1997 ... whatever it is, we can only salute their willingness to try to believe in it until the end. As long as there is life there is hope as the good old saying goes...
2001...they will even attempt the transition to the next decade. But what won't work in the 90s won't work in the next...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :