Nostra Dam

Two heads are better than one...

Little interesting information regarding Cube apart from the fact that it is a concept project comprising an Englishman and two Italians, namely Paul Griffiths, Rudy Trevisi and Serse May.

Trio which will remain mainly in the musical history of the end of the 20th century for the high caliber Single “Two heads are better than one” which will be released in 1980.

For this reason alone we had to dedicate this article to him.

To discover or rediscover...

Discography (among others ...) :

80s  Decade :

  • Two heads are better than one 1982

  • The young pretender 1983

  • Prince of the moment 1983

  • Stealing 1983

  • Love and protect 1983

  • Concert boy 1984

  • Performance 1985

  • Love’s taboo 1986

Tracks :

1982...a first title which will surely remain as their reference title. We're not talking about a top hit but there's quality in it all anyway...

1983...a sequel which de facto proves that this trio has talent, that much is clear. Nothing extraordinary but good work in any case...

1983...certainly not all their titles will have the same qualitative level but the essentials have already been done with the 2 previous titles...

1983...a group whose existence was at least ephemeral and which ultimately produced only one album. Only one album but of quality !

1983...given the few titles produced, we will gladly highlight titles not officially released as Singles. It's only justice...

1984...because if we only base ourselves on the officially released titles this will inevitably restrict the interest of the adventure somewhat..

1985...but they deserve a spotlight worthy of the name even if they will not stay in history as the most talented group of their generation...

Discogs :

Discography :
